Motivation 2024, April

How to make your brain think positively

How to make your brain think positively

It can be difficult to get rid of bad thoughts. It takes focus and practice. But there are several ways to start thinking positively

3 phrases that hurt your happiness and success

3 phrases that hurt your happiness and success

These three misconceptions about happiness and success negatively affect your life. Forget about them if you want to live happily

Life is not a race: why you need to leave the "rat race"

Life is not a race: why you need to leave the "rat race"

Try to look at things differently: there may be no race to be won. Internal harmony is much more important than external achievements

Why you never start a new life on Monday

Why you never start a new life on Monday

New life does not start on Monday, New Years or Summer, it starts when you are ready for it. In this guest post, Alexander Andrianov, using the example of the gym, tells why everyone's favorite approach of “beautiful dates” never works and what is really needed for your life to start changing.

8 negative phrases to stop telling yourself

8 negative phrases to stop telling yourself

Self-hypnosis can help you succeed, but it can also cause you to fail. Never say these phrases to yourself

10 easy ways to motivate yourself every day

10 easy ways to motivate yourself every day

In order to always fulfill everything that you have in mind, you need to properly maintain the desire. Here are good ways to motivate yourself every day

How to motivate yourself to work hard

How to motivate yourself to work hard

In this article, you will find the opinions of Quora users on how to motivate yourself to work hard

How to stop pleasing others: 5 steps to independence

How to stop pleasing others: 5 steps to independence

Life hacker tells how to stop depending on the opinions of others, turning on healthy selfishness and stopping trying to raise self-esteem due to someone else's approval

3 principles of long-term thinking to help you plan for the future

3 principles of long-term thinking to help you plan for the future

The decisions we make today affect our entire future life. Therefore, planning for the future is important now

How to outsmart your brain and start taking care of your future

How to outsmart your brain and start taking care of your future

According to the findings of scientists, we procrastinate not because of a lack of self-control, but because of the structure of our brain. But our present and future life is closely interconnected, and therefore it is worth starting to act now

The Marshmallow Experiment, or How to Strengthen Willpower

The Marshmallow Experiment, or How to Strengthen Willpower

There are people who get up at the first signal of the alarm clock and even regularly go for a morning run. We tell you how to strengthen willpower

"Your fears and worries are your beacon": wise advice from Leo Babauta

"Your fears and worries are your beacon": wise advice from Leo Babauta

How to overcome fear? Look him straight in the eye! This is what blogger Leo Babauta thinks and advises using your fears as a resource for personal growth

5 ways to boost your self-esteem

5 ways to boost your self-esteem

You need to be able to respect yourself and your feelings. We tell you how to increase self-esteem to become more self-confident and recover faster from emotional wounds

How to get yourself to work with 4 simple questions

How to get yourself to work with 4 simple questions

Not sure how to make yourself work? In order not to postpone important matters, it is enough to soberly assess the situation and ask yourself the right questions

A simple question to start a change in your life

A simple question to start a change in your life

Life doesn’t wait until you’re done resting, being afraid, or procrastinating. Take action. Knowing that you are ready for change will allow you to take a step

13 things you need to give up to be successful

13 things you need to give up to be successful

These habits and bad character traits negatively affect your future success. The list includes perfectionism and a desire to control everything. And love for TV

7 exercises to help boost your self-esteem

7 exercises to help boost your self-esteem

People who don't love themselves have a harder time reaching goals and dealing with challenges. So, if this is about you, it's time to figure out how to increase your self-esteem

How to change your lifestyle without bullying yourself

How to change your lifestyle without bullying yourself

Explain why bullying yourself to get better is a failure. These four steps will help you embrace yourself and truly change

Why did I stop being busy forever

Why did I stop being busy forever

Always busy and successful are not synonymous. We figure out what to do if you do not have a single free minute, and you have not seen your friends for many days

6 principles to help you become more successful

6 principles to help you become more successful

These attitudes distinguish an accomplished person from an ordinary person. Find out how to become successful and finally achieve the desired goals

7 life hacks for brain development

7 life hacks for brain development

How to develop the brain and improve memory? Do this set of exercises at least three times a week and you will prolong the health and youthfulness of the mind

How to stop sticking on your phone in the morning

How to stop sticking on your phone in the morning

If the alarm went off half an hour ago, and you are still in bed and flipping through the feed, you may be addicted to gadgets. We figure out how to get rid of it

10 things successful people do to stay motivated

10 things successful people do to stay motivated

The difference between people who reach the top and those who are left behind is the ability to motivate themselves for success and think strategically

What is the danger of the race for self-development and how to get out of it

What is the danger of the race for self-development and how to get out of it

Self-development has become a trend of our time, and thousands of people around the world become discouraged because they are not good enough. But is this game worth the candle?

Mindfulness lessons from commandos

Mindfulness lessons from commandos

As children, we all knew how to live in the present. Now, most of the time, we just exist. But you can again learn to be aware of every moment of life

19 habits that will help you achieve significant success

19 habits that will help you achieve significant success

To be successful, be the best version of yourself. 19 simple tips will help you with this. Follow them to achieve great results

Why keeping promises made to yourself is so important and how to do it

Why keeping promises made to yourself is so important and how to do it

Keeping a promise to yourself is much more difficult than not breaking an agreement with someone else. But you need to stay motivated and not give up on your goals primarily because your self-esteem is at stake

How to motivate yourself: 5 time-tested approaches

How to motivate yourself: 5 time-tested approaches

From the pyramid of needs to the hedonistic theory of motivation, humankind has come up with many ways to motivate ourselves to achieve goals. What is motivation? Simply put, it is a motivation for action. Unfortunately, so far no one has found an unequivocally better motivation for a person, one that could prompt everyone to take action.

25 daily rituals of the most successful people

25 daily rituals of the most successful people

Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Mozart, Leo Tolstoy, Jane Austen, Karl Marx, Mark Twain knew how to work. Their secrets will help you become more successful and more productive

2 easy steps to your goal

2 easy steps to your goal

The path to achieving a goal cannot be easy if you want to achieve real results. Work, learn and develop. Take the first step today

7 Seal Expressions That Will Make You Act

7 Seal Expressions That Will Make You Act

We want to share with you the advice of Brent Glasson, a former military man. He described seven sayings of the SEALs and how they can be applied in real life. On the resource appeared material of Brent Glasson, a former "

9 simple things strong personalities do every day

9 simple things strong personalities do every day

Strong personalities attract attention and delight those around them. And it is quite possible to join them. Enough to work on yourself

3 Steps to Developing a Strong Character

3 Steps to Developing a Strong Character

Strong character is expressed not at all in authoritarianism, but in the ability to thank, admit mistakes and ask for help

How to correctly set a goal and achieve it: instructions with examples

How to correctly set a goal and achieve it: instructions with examples

A life hacker tells how to set goals correctly so as not to be disappointed in the result. Only working tips and applied tools

5 exercises that will help you realize yourself in adulthood

5 exercises that will help you realize yourself in adulthood

In The Best Time to Start, Julia Cameron and Emma Lively share how to stay happy and content with your life, even when you're old

Not Planned - Not Done: A Simple Approach to Achieving Goals

Not Planned - Not Done: A Simple Approach to Achieving Goals

Achieving your goals will become an easier and more enjoyable process if you make every step towards what you want as part of your daily routine

Work on yourself: how to start changing

Work on yourself: how to start changing

Work on yourself includes several stages. When you have decided what you need to work on, you should understand how to further change your life

How to find your life purpose

How to find your life purpose

Career Specialist Raghav Haran explains how to find your calling in this vast inhospitable world where there are so few anchor points

4 skills procrastination and laziness will teach you

4 skills procrastination and laziness will teach you

Are you overwhelmed by procrastination and laziness? It's okay, you can handle it. Moreover, such apathetic states help us become more productive

A simple technique to make you bolder

A simple technique to make you bolder

Teacher and trainer Andrey Yakomaskin will tell about how a simple technique helped a young writer to overcome difficulties and gain world fame