How to find your life purpose
How to find your life purpose

How not to lose your individuality in this huge inhospitable world and find exactly the job that will bring maximum pleasure? Career Specialist Raghav Haran has several recommendations on this subject. Here is a translation of his thoughts in the first person.

How to find your life purpose
How to find your life purpose

One of the most shocking discoveries for me was that very few people really care about me. Except for a couple of close friends, of course. As for everyone else, the maximum they were capable of was to write me a sympathetic message on Facebook if they suddenly found out that something bad had happened. I had to come to terms with this sad truth.

From an early age, teachers, teachers and parents pampered us with their care and support. We are used to the fact that there is always a person who can take us under his wing. Someone always told us what to do. The only thing that was required of us in childhood was to obey and not break any rules. And everything was great. And then, all of a sudden, adulthood began, and the real world, on closer inspection, turned out to be not the most pleasant thing.

How to find your calling
How to find your calling

Nobody any longer tells us what to do when it comes to solving important issues. Want to build a relationship with someone? Do it yourself. Do you want to find a job that you really like? All in your hands. Do you want to be always surrounded by loyal friends who are ready to help you? You already seem to know what the answer will be.

The situation is especially acute when it comes to our careers. It seems to us that we are stuck and are just marking time, not moving anywhere. We know that there are things that we like, we dream of making a mountain of money doing what we love, but we do not have a clear plan of action that would help us achieve the desired result.

We are unconsciously waiting for someone who will come and help, solve all our problems and direct us where necessary. We are waiting for someone who can again take us under their protection and start caring. And what a force disappointment comes when we realize that such a person does not exist in nature.

However, it will take years before we understand this. We find ourselves all in the same boring job, where we waste our time and talents, feeling impossibly stupid and unnecessary. Let's make sure this isn't happening to you right now. Below are some tips on how to find your purpose in life.

1. Knock on closed doors

Many of us don't even start looking for a job that is enjoyable, just for fear of failure. Nobody wants to feel unnecessary and rejected. When rejected, you start to think that you are not good enough for the position you want, which you really are not. No need to dig yourself. Think of rejection as an opportunity to understand yourself, assess your capabilities and understand what specifically you would like to focus on.

Knock on closed doors
Knock on closed doors

The only thing employers want from you is that you do your job properly and solve problems as they arise. Let them know that you are the kind of person who understands the state of affairs and is able to find a way out of this situation. Don't be afraid to try new things and try not to miss any opportunity.

2. Set yourself a clear goal

Thousands of companies post thousands of ads every day, hoping to find employees who are right for them. The labor market is constantly in need of someone. In the modern world, everything has been simplified to the point of impossibility: it is enough to have access to the Internet in order to be aware of who, where and who needs it. Just think how ridiculously stupid you will look if you don't take advantage of this.

The labor market is constantly in need of someone. Don't miss out on this million opportunities!

In order not to get lost in the ocean of information, you should clearly define what you want and what position you are applying for. The clearer the goal, the more likely it is to get an advantage over those candidates who are still in thought and are not in a hurry to make a decision, weighing all the pros and cons.

3. Ask more questions

Many people think that the answers to all questions can be found if you delve into yourself and engage in introspection. By overestimating values or analyzing our actions brick by brick, we hope to find some detail that could be corrected to clarify everything. And then we will know exactly in which direction to move on. Alas, not at all. It doesn't work that way.

Do you know what happens to Silicon Valley startups that have a brilliant idea but ignore market and consumer demands? They go bankrupt. Yes, their idea, no doubt, was just excellent, but for some reason it turned out to be of no use to absolutely anyone.

Ask more questions to find your calling
Ask more questions to find your calling

So it is with work. You cannot meet the desired position if you do not know anything about the requirements of the market. You must always be aware of current events. This means that in the process of looking for a job, you need to constantly monitor the situation, to know everything about employers and people holding a position in which you are interested. You need to feel free to ask them questions.

What responsibilities do you perform on a daily basis? Do you like your job? Do you regret being in this position? Are you independent enough in making work decisions? What problems does your firm solve? What do you want to do next year? How about five years? Don't be afraid to be curious and interested, this is the best way to scout out the situation and not waste years on the wrong path.

4. Find your passion and follow it

Passion is the kind of thing that needs to be cultivated. She will not be waiting for you around the corner, she needs to be grown. You have to do something all the time, not sit still. And try to do it as best you can, to become a real master in your field. And then it will be possible to say that the process has started - the passion will not keep itself waiting long and will certainly appear. There is no point in saying, "I don't know what my passion is." You just need to admit to yourself that you have not yet groped it.

Cal Newport Scientist, author of several bestselling books on work and motivation

The statement “Choose a job you like and you won't have to work a single day in your life” is deliberately absurd. Even the work you love tends to turn into a real hell at times. And that's okay.

All you need to get started is to find an activity that you find interesting most of your time. Get comfortable with it, sort out the details, understand what your strengths are, win the trust of your colleagues, get the first results, make your customers happy.

Gradually, you will become more confident in yourself and in your abilities, you will notice the first visible results and begin to be proud of them and yourself. In small steps, slowly but surely, you will move towards gaining real passion and a sense of pleasant satisfaction from the work done. The main thing is to start acting. Go for it!
