Table of contents:

11 symptoms of pneumonia not to be missed
11 symptoms of pneumonia not to be missed

Be especially careful if ARVI comes back, barely retreating.

11 symptoms of pneumonia you shouldn't miss
11 symptoms of pneumonia you shouldn't miss

Pneumonia is an inflammatory disease of the lungs. As a rule, it is caused by viruses (for example, the influenza virus) or bacteria (including representatives of the normal microflora of the human upper respiratory tract). These microorganisms penetrate into the lungs against the background of a decrease in immunity. Often - right after ARVI How to Tell If It’s Pneumonia.

That is why it can be difficult to diagnose pneumonia: it is very similar to the flu or other respiratory infection, which is a continuation.

When you need to urgently call an ambulance

Sometimes, infected lung tissue can no longer supply the body with the required amount of oxygen. Because of this, the cardiovascular system and other vital organs, including the brain, are seriously affected and even fail. This pneumonia is called severe. How are different types of pneumonia classified? …

Dial 103 or 112 urgently if the following symptoms are added to the common cold: Severe community-acquired pneumonia:

  • Breathing increased to 30 breaths per minute (one breath every 2 seconds or more).
  • Systolic (upper) pressure dropped below 90 mm Hg. Art.
  • Diastolic (lower) pressure dropped below 60 mm Hg. Art.
  • Confusion appeared: the patient reacts sluggishly to the environment, slowly answers questions, and is poorly oriented in space.

If there are no threatening symptoms but thoughts of pneumonia persist, check our Do I Have Pneumonia? …

How to tell pneumonia from a cold

1. Your condition first improved and then worsened

We have already mentioned that Pneumonia pneumonia often develops as a complication of upper respiratory tract disease.

First, you get the flu or other acute respiratory viral infections. While the body is fighting infection, viruses or bacteria living in the nasopharynx enter the lungs. After a few days, you overcome the original disease: its symptoms - fever, runny nose, cough, headache - decrease, it becomes easier for you.

But viruses or bacteria in the lungs continue to multiply. After a few days, there are so many of them that the tired immune system finally notices the inflammation. And reacts violently to it. It looks as if the cold has returned with renewed vigor - with more distinct and unpleasant symptoms.

2. Temperature above 40 ° С

Fever with pneumonia is much worse than with a common cold. With ARVI, the temperature rises to about 38 ° C, with flu - up to 38–39 ° C. But pneumonia often makes itself felt by threatening temperature values - up to 40 ° C and above. This condition is usually accompanied by chills.

3. You sweat a lot

If at the same time you move a little and there is no sauna around, you have a strong fever. Sweat evaporates to help reduce extreme temperatures.

4. You have completely lost your appetite

Appetite is associated with the severity of the disease. With a mild cold, the digestive system continues to work as usual - the person is hungry. But when it comes to more severe cases, the body throws all its strength to fight the infection. And temporarily "turns off" the gastrointestinal tract, so as not to waste energy on the digestive process.

5. You cough often

It seems even more often than at the beginning of the disease. A pneumonia cough can be dry or moist. He talks about irritation of the respiratory tract and lungs.

6. When coughing sometimes sputum appears

In pneumonia, the alveoli - small bubbles in the lungs that take in air as you inhale - fill with fluid or pus.

By forcing you to cough, the body tries to get rid of this "filling". If this succeeds, you, having cleared your throat, may notice mucus on the handkerchief - yellowish, greenish or bloody.

7. You notice stabbing pain in your chest

Most often - when you cough or try to take a deep breath. Such pain speaks of pulmonary edema - one or both. Having increased in size due to swelling, the affected organ begins to press on the nerve endings around it. This is what causes pain.

8. You get short of breath easily

Shortness of breath is a sign that your body is not getting enough oxygen. If your breathing quickens even when you just get out of bed to use the toilet or pour yourself some tea, this could be a sign of serious lung problems.

9. Your heart rate has increased

Normally, the pulse in adults is 60–100 beats per minute. However, everyone has their own norm - and it would be worth knowing at least approximately.

For example, if before your heart rate in a calm state did not exceed 80 beats per minute, and now you notice that it jumps over a hundred, this is a very dangerous signal. It means that for some reason the heart is forced to pump blood more actively throughout the body. Lack of oxygen due to pneumonia is one of the factors that can provoke this.

10. You feel tired and overwhelmed

The reason may be the same - organs and tissues do not have enough oxygen. Therefore, the body seeks to limit your activity and sends signals to the brain that there is no strength.

11. Lips and nails have acquired a bluish tint

This is another obvious sign of a lack of oxygen in the blood.

What to do if you find symptoms of pneumonia

If you notice more than half of the listed symptoms, consult a physician or pulmonologist as soon as possible. Not the fact that this is pneumonia. But the risk is great.

A visit to the doctor or his home call should not be postponed for those who are at risk for Pneumonia:

  • people over 60 years old or under 2 years old;
  • people with chronic lung diseases, asthma, diabetes mellitus, problems with the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system;
  • smokers;
  • people who have a weakened immune system (this happens due to too strict diets, exhaustion, HIV, chemotherapy, as well as taking certain drugs that suppress the immune system).
