Why did I stop being busy forever
Why did I stop being busy forever

Your life is packed with work, meetings, holidays, household chores. But you can give up some of them and only become happier.

Why did I stop being busy forever
Why did I stop being busy forever

You probably know this feeling when you are so busy that time flies by. We waste it on nonsense. We watch TV shows in one gulp, go to meaningless meetings, spend hours choosing clothes in the store to impress people we don't even like.

We even use our busyness as an excuse. Forgot your anniversary or other important date? "But you know how busy I am." Haven't called your parents in months? "Mom, I was just really busy." Did you go to the gym? "I'm too busy to train!"

Several years ago, I also used these excuses. But then I realized that I had lost control of my life. How can you be too busy not to call your loved one? It's a bullshit.

Every time you say you’re too busy, you admit that you don’t know how to prioritize.

Many people think that being successful and being busy are the same thing. But think: how many of your acquaintances who do not have a single free minute have really achieved a lot?

If you are constantly busy, then you are not living, but simply existing. Your calendar doesn't have to be filled with different items. Leave only what is really necessary in it. Take the rest of the time to rest, calm down, and reflect on your life.

It is absolutely normal not to have any plans for some days. When people ask me what I did over the weekend, I often say, "Nothing." Or: "I wrote an article, went to the hall, dined with my family." Sometimes people, asking this question, expect some unusual answers, but this does not bother me. I don't feel any worse for spending the weekend quietly, not hunting lions or jumping with a parachute.

I also often say no. Do you want to work for this company? Do you want a coffee? Do you want to write a text for us? No I do not want to. I don't want to be busy. When you're busy, time flies fast, but I need it to move slowly. Therefore, I say yes only to those things that really catch me.

This feeling is probably familiar to you too. Time slows down, days stretch and seem endless. All you have to do for this is stop, clear the calendar, do not forget about important things and live consciously.
