"Your fears and worries are your beacon": wise advice from Leo Babauta
"Your fears and worries are your beacon": wise advice from Leo Babauta

We tend to avoid things that scare us. But this defensive reaction only limits us. We must find the strength to face our fears.

"Your fears and worries are your beacon": wise advice from Leo Babauta
"Your fears and worries are your beacon": wise advice from Leo Babauta

Fearing pain, humiliation, anxiety, failure, we go to great lengths to protect ourselves from this. We fence ourselves off from danger with a wall. We do not undertake complex tasks, so as not to lose face.

But how can we get close to someone if we are afraid of being vulnerable? How can we build happy relationships and give love if we cannot pacify pride and avoid serious conversations?

How can we do what we love or open our own business if we live constantly looking back at the opinions of others?

How can we learn something new if we are indecisive? You don't learn how to play chess until you've lost a hundred games. We are studying theory. But until we get to practice, we will not learn anything.

We dream that someone will come and give us magic advice. And the advice is simple.

Leave your cozy comfort zone, work hard, and move towards your fears.

Afraid to go to a social event with a lot of people? Just pack up and go. Avoiding an important conversation? Pull yourself together and start it. Procrastinating again? Love what you have to do and get to work.

Your fears and worries are your beacon. Focus on them and stay on course.

Fear drives our growth. Thanks to him, we learn, love, establish contacts and free ourselves from all restrictions.

Yes, fear is a terrible feeling. But at the same time the most beautiful thing. Fall in love with your fears and this world will open up to you again.
