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10 things successful people do to stay motivated
10 things successful people do to stay motivated

Simple but powerful tricks that will keep you from quitting what you started.

10 things successful people do to stay motivated
10 things successful people do to stay motivated

What do those who have achieved great success have and what others do not? What contributes to achievement? No, this is not money or luck. This is motivation. And in order to constantly maintain it at a high level, successful people follow these rules.

1. Set goals for yourself

Specific, not abstract. Let's say you have a goal - to become rich. But if you do not break this global task into many small ones, you will not understand how to approach it.

A correctly set goal has already been halfway achieved.

Zig Ziglar

Instead of dreaming of a thriving business or good housing, start small. For example, develop a solid business plan, or make it a rule to save money from every paycheck to buy real estate. Set short-term goals that you can easily imagine the way to accomplish.

2. Create an action plan

Any goals hanging in the air have very little chance of becoming a reality. Therefore, write them down and make a detailed plan of action.

For example, if your goal is to start your own business, your action plan should include writing a business idea resume, market and competitor research, exploring various marketing strategies, and considering financing options. These are all separate sub-items of one big task.

Someone makes a plan for a month, someone - for a year, and individuals can plan their life for 10 years. The main thing is that you always have the answer to the question "What will I do next" in your head.

3. Allocate their time

When you do not have enough time for anything, your hands are discouraged. The most daring aspirations can be buried in the routine. So remember, the best way to stay motivated and achieve your goals is through planning.

There are a huge number of methods for planning your schedule, and a simple line-by-line list is the simplest, but not the most effective of them. Many successful people don't use to-do lists. Instead, they use alternatives such as making a schedule.

Break your day into hourly, 30-minute, or even 15-minute intervals and plan clearly when and what you will be doing. Create a daily routine and set aside time in it for work, training, rest, and household chores. Sure, planning everything and everything can seem tedious, but it's the best way to structure your life and keep up with everything.

4. Seek support

Most of the time, when people around you judge you, it is only annoying. But if you have good friends, their support and influence can be a great motivator.

Share your goals and future plans with a friend or partner. If you can't get off the ground, ask a friend to periodically check your progress, asking how you are coping with your plan of action.

5. Rethink negative situations

We all fail at times. But successful people don't let failure stop them. Instead, they rethink the situation and try to look at it differently.

Rather than wasting time thinking about what you did wrong and berating yourself for your mistakes, better imagine how to fix it and avoid failure the next time.

6. Recovering from failures

After a nuisance has happened, successful people think it over and then move on. Only you can change the current state of affairs, so do not dwell on the negative, but rather take steps to correct the situation.

Recovering from failure is not as difficult as it might seem. There are several ways to do this.

7. Rest

If you are sad, you are unlikely to be motivated to do great things. Taking everything too seriously, sooner or later you will begin to become disillusioned with your abilities and may give up all your endeavors.

Of course, even in the most interesting work there are boring and routine elements - such is life. But if you rest and have fun from time to time, you can keep your motivation constant.

Take time out after work. And take periodic breaks during it - the wonderful Pomodoro technique can help control them. Break away from your classes for 10 minutes - then return to them with renewed vigor.

8. Everything is recorded

You may feel that not all of your ideas are worth the waste of paper, but they are not. Successful people try to write everything down. Our mind is not a secure enough storage, and even the coolest ideas do not linger there. Therefore, write down every idea that is even more or less worthwhile - who knows, what if it will come in handy someday.

In addition, taking notes helps you focus by reminding you of what you are working on and what you are striving for.

9. Meditate

What do successful people like TV host Oprah Winfrey, News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch, and Ford Motor Company chairman Bill Ford have in common?

They all meditate, setting aside time for this every day. Meditation can help reduce stress, improve performance, and increase productivity.

You will not need to spend long hours on this activity. It is enough to sit for about 20 minutes in peace and quiet, concentrating only on your breathing, and even this little will work wonders.

10. Visualize their future

Successful people constantly think about what they want to achieve when imagining their future. For example, Jim Carrey imagined himself to be a successful actor even before he became one. Remember your goals at all times. Visualize them. It helps keep you motivated.

I am the greatest boxer. I said this before I became the greatest. I imagined that if I said this enough times, I could convince the whole world that I am truly the greatest boxer.

Muhammad Ali

Motivation is a funny thing. She comes and goes. But the difference between people who reach the top and those who are left behind is that successful people remain motivated. They use it to achieve their goals, to make their dreams come true.
