10 easy ways to motivate yourself every day
10 easy ways to motivate yourself every day

Everyone has good intentions, but often motivation fades as quickly as willpower runs out. Here are 10 easy ways to keep you motivated every day.

10 easy ways to motivate yourself every day
10 easy ways to motivate yourself every day

1. Keep ideas to yourself

how to motivate yourself - don't talk
how to motivate yourself - don't talk

Have you finally decided to run a marathon? Delighted with a new idea? Bursting with joy over a new project? Good. Leave these emotions to yourself.

By telling left and right about your intentions, you only make things worse. Don't be tempted to post your intentions on social media. A positive response makes your brain think that the job has already been done, you have achieved your goal, which means there is no need to keep motivated.

So keep intentions to yourself. You will receive your portion of admiration and likes for sharing the results.

2. Cut your to-do list in half

Shortening your to-do list will do you good. When you realize that you can accomplish everything on the list, stress and tension subsides and your options expand.

3. Remember death and define your legacy

Death is a great motivating force. Each of us runs the risk of being stuck in meaningless pursuits. They make us feel like we are achieving something, when in reality we are just walking in circles.

Being aware of what helps to define what really matters. Everything we do determines the legacy we leave behind. It may sound pretentious, but it's true. And knowing this can be a powerful motivation.

4. Celebrate even very small victories

Celebrating small victories helps build positive habits. And you don't have to buy a cake or a bottle of champagne every time. It is enough to simply note that something good has happened.

For example, Vishen Lakhiani, CEO of Mindvalley, set up a special “excellent bell” for this, which he rings every time something good happens.

5. Get some rest. You deserve it

A good rest helps us to work to the limit. But often the moment when you can't take a minute to rest is just the moment when you need it most.

So just take the vacation you've been putting off and get back to business well-rested and fresh with ideas.

6. Be kind to yourself

Stop comparing your achievements with the victories of your colleagues and neighbors. There are many people smarter than you. The moment you understand this, freedom will return to you.

The freedom to explore, the freedom to go after what delights you. The freedom to not pay attention to what and how they are doing, and the ability to concentrate on their own.

7. Perceive new habits in a positive way

For example, you started waking up two hours earlier than usual. Instead of perceiving a new habit as a two-hour lack of sleep, think of it as a new opportunity. You have a whole two additional hours, in which you will have time to do much more.

8. Be honest with yourself and others

We live in a culture where social media is essential. We are used to imagining our life as perfect, creating an ideal image of ourselves, and this semblance of success can be dangerous.

By showing not only successes, but also failures, you gain additional motivation that helps you cope with failure. Experience negative emotions and then move on.

Plus, by exposing such moments to your audience, you create a deeper bond with your friends and followers.

9. Do what you love (and what you can earn)

how to motivate yourself - do what you love
how to motivate yourself - do what you love

Find what you love and learn to do it well. Success in any business is based on the combination of passion and experience.

But be careful. Make sure you can profit from the results of these activities. There are many things you may like, but not all can bring you income.

10. Concentrate

There is a funny success story. Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and his father were once asked what the most important ingredient of success was. And all three answered in one voice: "Concentration." Moreover, the answer was spontaneous, like the question itself, so they did not prepare in advance.

We are all periodically distracted by checking email, and notifications from different applications and from social networks do not allow us to focus properly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

So at least sometimes put your smartphone aside, put it in silent mode and completely immerse yourself in work.
