Table of contents:

5 exercises that will help you realize yourself in adulthood
5 exercises that will help you realize yourself in adulthood

It's never too late to dream, create and be happy - the main message of the book "Best Time to Start" by Julia Cameron and Emma Lively.

5 exercises that will help you realize yourself in adulthood
5 exercises that will help you realize yourself in adulthood

Emma Lively Violinist, composer and business manager of Julia Cameron.

With retirement, a person begins a completely different life, and not everyone is ready for it. Julia Cameron and Emma Lively suggest filling your free time with creativity and taking a 12-week course to discover new abilities in yourself. You may not be a great artist, but you will definitely feel happier.

The life hacker has selected five interesting exercises from the book. Try them for yourself or ask your parents to do them.

Exercise # 1: Fill in the Morning Pages

Write three pages on a sheet of paper immediately after waking up. Let it be what comes to mind first: plans for the day, shopping list, memories of the past.

Cameron designed this exercise to help people rethink their problems, rewrite them, and free themselves. Therefore, do not show your notes to any living soul. This should be your personal business. This is the only way you can express yourself as honestly as possible.

Repeat this activity every day, then you will notice the effect. It is better to do it first thing in the morning, while you are not yet fully awake.

Exercise # 2. Go on a Creative Date

Another Cameron invention is the creative dating method. This is a little adventure during which you explore something and learn new things.

The point of a creative date is to find something new and inspiring for yourself.

Make a list of ten possible things to do over the next week. The writer herself loves to go to the children's book store. She likes the atmosphere of the game, beautiful publications, noise. For you, such an adventure can be a trip to the zoo or theater. The more original the choice, the better.

Before you go on a sortie, grab a piece of paper and make a detailed plan for yourself. Write down this day in all details, as if you are planning a date with your loved one.

Don't take anyone with you when looking for inspiration. This time is needed so that you are alone with your thoughts and not be distracted by anything. Creative dating reminds you that you can always be surprised and find something new for yourself.

Exercise number 3. Take a walk

Yes, here's a simple piece of advice. But very effective. Try taking short walks alone twice a week.

Now, 25 years after writing the first book, I take a walk twice a week, regardless of my schedule. I learned that walking reduces anxiety and stimulates creativity. Julia Cameron

Better to leave your cell phone at home. During such walks, you will notice how much your perception sharpens: you will notice things that you did not pay any attention to before. Walking helps to refresh your head and find solutions to problems that have long troubled you.

Exercise # 4: Decide What to Worth Your Time

With retirement, many people start to worry about the feeling that their days are coming to an end and they are wasting them. Or, on the contrary, there is so much free time that it is not clear what to do with it. Both of these settings are incorrect.

You need to use time to make your desires and dreams come true, and not think about how much you have left. But if you don't know what to do first, follow a simple exercise.

Complete the following sentences quickly and without hesitation:

  1. If I had more time, I would …
  2. If I had more time, I would …
  3. If I had more time, I would …
  4. If I had more time, I would …
  5. If I had more time, I would …
  6. If I had less time, I would …
  7. If I had less time, I would …
  8. If I had less time, I would …
  9. If I had less time, I would …
  10. If I had less time, I would …

Take a look at your list again. Now you know which direction to go in.

Exercise # 5: Resist Feelings of Loneliness

We all experienced loneliness, but only a few have learned to receive peace and joy from this state. Creative dating helps in part. But if this feeling of alienation weighs on you, think about your past.

Cameron advises to set aside 20 minutes and devote them to memories. Imagine the period in your life when you felt the most lonely and describe it: all the details and circumstances, environment, actions.

Then describe an important moment when you felt a strong connection with another person. If you're still chatting, pick up your phone and call. If not, call someone else who is just as important to you. You will be greatly relieved.

Remember that the person you are calling may need you as much as you need him.

These are just some of the tips to help you tune in to the right mood and start spending time to your advantage. For more exercises and interesting life stories from Julia Cameron's practice, see The Best Time to Start.
