Table of contents:

13 things you need to give up to be successful
13 things you need to give up to be successful

If you want to achieve important goals, you have to sacrifice these habits and character traits.

13 things you need to give up to be successful
13 things you need to give up to be successful

1. An unhealthy lifestyle

This is the first and most important point, without which nothing will work. If you want to achieve something, you need to take care of your health, otherwise after a dozen or two years you will spend more time on appointments with doctors and treatment than on the path to a dream and enjoying life. At a minimum, start eating a balanced diet and add physical activity.

2. Focus on short-term goals

Successful people aim for long-term success. Instead of pulling your body up for summer, go to the gym all year round. Develop good habits for meaningful benefits in life, not fleeting achievements.

3. Modest dreams

People around you may feel insecure about their own abilities and, because of this, ridicule any daring goals of others. But this is not a reason to be shy. Dream big and believe in your capabilities. This will keep you in the mood for success and inspire others to take action.

4. Excuses

You are responsible for your own life. It doesn't matter where you are from, what your strengths and weaknesses are. You are responsible for most of the situations that happen to you.

Excuses only hinder your progress and get in the way of your success. This is your life, and only you can make it the way you want it.

5. Ossification

Many people believe that the skills and knowledge they have are enough to easily succeed. More often than not, this is not the case. If you want to achieve something, you need to be prepared that you will have to acquire new skills and study unfamiliar sciences.

You need to take it calmly and be flexible. It is important to understand that you are changing every day.

6. Belief in sudden success

Of course, there are times in the world when people become rich and famous overnight. But such a chance is one in a million, and it is foolish to hope for it.

Most successful people have achieved their position through hard work and daily development. Over time, these small improvements add up to meaningful results - that's what you need to focus on.

7. Perfectionism

Nothing will ever be perfect, no matter how much we want it. Therefore, perfectionism does not make sense. Don't expect ideal conditions to get down to business.

And each time evaluate the investment of resources in relation to the result. If completing a task flawlessly will not bring you money, connections, or personal and professional growth, then it is unwise to spend time on it.

8. Multitasking

If you are sprayed on several tasks at the same time, none of them will be done well. Multitasking reduces productivity by 40% - this is a scientific fact of Multitasking: Switching costs. So focus on one activity at a time, be it a meeting, workout, or workflow.

9. Desire to control everything

Some things you can control, and some you cannot. It is very important to be clear about which category each situation belongs to. Do not think about what is beyond your control, and focus on the tasks that you can solve.

If you don't like something, change it. If this is not possible, change your attitude towards the problem.

10. Useless activities

The older we get, the more things we have to do. Friends call for a meeting, the company arranges a corporate party, acquaintances ask for advice on work issues, and parents ask when you will visit them.

Successful people cope with this flow by firmly giving up anything that doesn't benefit them. This does not mean that they do not see their friends and family at all. This is how they spend time when they really need to rest.

11. Extra people

No matter how self-sufficient and formed personality you are, the people around you still influence your consciousness. If you spend time with people who don't strive for anything, your enthusiasm drops. If you communicate with those who are constantly evolving, then your desire to achieve more increases.

Think about who in your environment pulls you down, and if possible, stop communicating with him.

12. Craving for approval

People are completely different, as are their tastes. You can never be liked by everyone without exception, so ignore what others think of you. It's natural to want approval, but it doesn't help you grow and succeed.

Remember: if someone dislikes you, then you are doing something meaningful.

13. Social media and television

A rare modern person does not mindlessly watching TV or social media feeds. But if you want to be successful, you have to give up this waste of time.

If your job is not related to television, forget about its existence. And use social networks only to get useful information and establish connections. You will immediately free up a lot of time.
