4 skills procrastination and laziness will teach you
4 skills procrastination and laziness will teach you

Procrastinating and being lazy? It's okay, you can handle it. Moreover, these lethargic states help us become more productive. The main thing is to get the most out of them.

4 skills procrastination and laziness will teach you
4 skills procrastination and laziness will teach you

What good is it about being unproductive? I mean really not doing anything in any way effective. It may sound strange, but you can benefit from being apathetic and lazy. Even more, you can find reasons to become super productive.

Let's say you procrastinate a lot. For example:

  • spend a lot of time playing video games;
  • read social media feed and news too often;
  • constantly watch TV, and everything in a row.

As a result, you lose focus, motivation, and goals. You can refuse such a lifestyle. But before you do this, make the most of your inactivity.

1. Productivity starts with passion

Productivity is the ability to do things that you couldn't do before.

Franz Kafka

Remember how you studied at the university. We bet that you finished the courses that seemed completely uninteresting, somehow? And when you were doing terrible and boring work, were you productive? This is because productivity starts with passion.

When you are interested in what you are doing, it is much easier to be effective. When you're feeling driven, being productive is easy. When you love what you do, you have a desire to do more and better. Passion is a strong desire, enthusiasm for what you do. It is much easier to do something, plunging into it with your head, forgetting yourself. Passion is essential to be productive.

2. Productivity starts with discipline

We must all experience one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.

Jim Rohn

This point contradicts the previous one, but you need to read both of them. While passion is a necessary part of effective work, self-discipline is just as important. You can't get carried away with everything you do, so you have to prioritize. And there will always be things that you do not like or do not want to do, but they need to be done.

For example, you don't like to play sports. Unsurprisingly, sometimes you don't feel like doing it at all. But with discipline, you will exercise anyway and eventually you will feel better. After all, you used your time productively with health benefits.

Regardless of what exactly you do not like to do, take discipline and, with teeth clenched, just do it.

By the way, a little tip: put on good music. She makes everything better. Even what you hate to do.

3. Productivity starts with a goal

Who has why live, will be able to withstand almost any how.

Friedrich Nietzsche

This is the most important step. Productivity without a goal is like a car without an ignition key. You won't start the engine either! If you don't have a set task, it can be very difficult to remain effective, passionate, and disciplined. For the same reason, many children in school lose concentration in their lessons. For the same reason, teenagers hang out on the streets and do nothing for themselves. For the same reason, you are wasting time on tasks that are not worth your attention.

Find a goal for yourself, write it down, visualize, and you will see what magic it can do to you.

4. Productivity starts with a big goal

Come up with a small goal and expect small accomplishments. Set a big goal for yourself and have a resounding success.

David Joseph Schwartz

When you have no goal, there is nothing to worry about, wait and strive. This gives you a reason to be ineffective.

When a goal is set, it is real and inviting, your productivity does not fade. The thing is that …

  • you know you are aiming for a goal;
  • you know what you want, down to the smallest detail;
  • you have clearly defined your goal;
  • you realize what will change after you reach it.

It makes you spend your time wisely. You do important things more often, leaving stupid things out of the way. Challenge yourself with big, exciting, exciting goals. Bigger is better!

So, to summarize:

  1. Feel the passion for what you do.
  2. Discipline yourself to do what you dislike, but what is important.
  3. Find out why you are doing this.
  4. Make your goal big and important.
