Table of contents:

3 phrases that hurt your happiness and success
3 phrases that hurt your happiness and success

We lie to ourselves to calm down and feel better in the present moment, but this is bad for our future.

3 phrases that hurt your happiness and success
3 phrases that hurt your happiness and success

1. I need X to become Y

It's hard for us to believe that we already have everything we need to be happy. It always seems that this requires another victory or another change in life. But this is a delusion.

The more success we achieve, the less satisfaction we usually feel. Therefore, you need to constantly remind yourself of what you already have and live in the present. Success comes as a side effect of doing what we love.

Most likely, now it seems to you that something needs to be fixed in your life. That some event should happen, after which you can finally become happy. But changes in life happen only when we begin to look at ourselves differently and realize that for happiness we do not need anything but our own permission.

2. The world owes me

Ask yourself why you are worthy of something. You must be rich and successful. Why? What have you done to deserve it? How long have you worked to achieve this? You must have a good relationship. Why? How do you feel about people? Are you working on yourself or do you expect the other person to be perfect and you don't need to change?

We are all fixated on ourselves. We all want to be successful, happy, rich, loved. This is inevitable, this is how we are made. Just believing that life owes you something, you doom yourself to disappointment.

You will not wait for a profit in the stock market without first investing in securities. Why are you waiting for the fulfillment of your desires, without spending efforts to achieve them?

When something you're dreaming about doesn't happen, ask yourself, “Have I done my best? Am I missing out on something while trying to save time? Maybe I need to be patient?"

3. I can't do anything

When you live a certain way for a long time, it starts to seem to you that you can no longer change anything. When you hear over and over again that you have reached the ceiling of your capabilities, it is difficult to believe that you are capable of more.

But your past should not determine the future. Everyone has difficult moments in life. If you really want to, you can change your life and yourself.
