Table of contents:

2 easy steps to your goal
2 easy steps to your goal

Everyone says: in order to achieve your goal, you need to constantly practice, work, study. But this is the worst thing. The first step is the most difficult to take, and today we will tell you which foot you need to step into a new life.

2 easy steps to your goal
2 easy steps to your goal

Everyone says: work hard, practice constantly, develop, be successful.

Nobody talks about the fact that even the first step is very scary. We decided to think about those who really want to achieve their goal, but are stuck at the very beginning of the path.

ways to achieve the goal
ways to achieve the goal

The secret lies in the fact that each of us has sufficient strength to close the distance between the present moment and the goal. It's just a matter of whether you want it or not.

If the dream is real, you make a volitional decision and start moving in its direction. If you have no desire to succeed, no one can force you to work on yourself.

So, it was decided: the goal must be achieved. To take the first step, turn to your inner self. A self-monologue is the best way to figure out what to do next, discover weaknesses, and identify strengths.

Be sure to "agree" with yourself and make it a rule to say "yes" to unfamiliar phenomena, things and processes as often as possible.

Say yes to creativity. Say yes to development. Say yes to your own expectations.

Prepare for your subconscious mind to resist change. You will try to convince yourself that you are not ready yet. That it's too early for you. That success can wait, there is no reason to strain. The main secret is precisely to give up such thoughts at once. Don't give in to your dark self.

As long as you resist the inner self, the forces go away. Therefore, you need to take the first steps towards your dream immediately. Today, not tomorrow.

Sitting on a bench at the entrance will not be a winner. Perhaps you will become the winner in the competition for sitting on a bench at the entrance, but even then you have to make an effort. For bigger success, you need to roll up your sleeves, sweat, and work. There is no shortcut to victory, you need to work on yourself and develop.

Do you want to start a business? Get started. Do you want to try yourself in a new profession? So try it. It's never too late to start creating or doing something. Do you know why? Because the right moment to start a new life will never come. And if you've been expecting him, well, I have bad news for you. This very moment will never come.

Another nice benefit: moving towards the goal, you become better than those who do not want to change anything. And the opinion of those whose condemnation you are so afraid of is not very important. Don't think too much. Take action.

Step one: knowledge is not the result

The first step we take on the path to a dream costs nothing. Therefore, it just needs to be done.

Many people stop at the very beginning of the journey because they know too much. “Woe from Wit” is about such cases. They have read so much, found out and analyzed so much that they are now afraid to take a step.

It is very convenient to hide behind this knowledge, to use it as an excuse for your inaction. In fact, you only think you know a lot. Better to spend your time at work and practice.

Here's something to remember.

  • Exists passive learningwhich, in fact, is not a form of practice. It seems to you that you study every day, but do not apply the knowledge gained. Passive learning does not bring any real results.
  • Exists active learning, which is practice. This is one of the best ways to learn, because by making mistakes, you will also make important discoveries.

Of course, you need a certain level of knowledge in order to start any business. But you don't need to know everything at all. Moreover, this is impossible.

Step two: more practice

So, having found out that knowledge is not the main thing, proceed to the second step. To practice. You will only get better if you work hard. Almost everyone makes mistakes both the twenty-first and the forty-first time.

The practice must obey several rules:

  • do not be lazy, work well;
  • strive to understand the process, work out the details;
  • do not hurry.

This step cannot be accelerated. There is also no way to avoid mistakes. Relax and don't beat yourself up for your mistakes. There is no shortcut. But there is a wise way, and it was described in full.

Step three …

Comes immediately after the first and second. It doesn't matter what you do next and exactly how to move towards your goal. The main thing - do not forget what we just talked about. These simple truths about knowledge and practice will help you decide to take the first and most important step in any endeavor.
