Sports and fitness 2024, April

The best exercises for graceful foot arch

The best exercises for graceful foot arch

These foot exercises are especially useful for girls. Performing them regularly, you can easily change comfortable ballerinas for sexy stilettos

10 stretching exercises with a rubber band

10 stretching exercises with a rubber band

With a simple expander, you can stretch your entire body well. These rubber band exercises are great for working your shoulders, chest, back, and legs

8 short workouts for strong abs

8 short workouts for strong abs

To see six cubes on your stomach instead of one ball by the beginning of summer, start working on your muscles now. Abs workouts will help you with this

Workout of the Day: 4 Exercises to Work All Your Core Muscles

Workout of the Day: 4 Exercises to Work All Your Core Muscles

These exercises will add variety to your workouts, pump your core muscles from different angles, and in 20 minutes of work will tire all muscle fibers properly

Kettlebell Workout: 20 Exercises You've Never Tried

Kettlebell Workout: 20 Exercises You've Never Tried

If you are tired of basic barbell and dumbbell exercises, kettlebell training is for you. In this article - 20 exercises for all muscle groups

How to build abs at home: 13 effective exercises

How to build abs at home: 13 effective exercises

How to build abs at home? Do these exercises in succession or include some of them in standard workouts. All you need is some time and a rug

10 great dumbbell exercises for a toned butt

10 great dumbbell exercises for a toned butt

These dumbbell exercises will help you strengthen your gluteal muscles and have a great toned butt. All you need are dumbbells

How to learn to ride a bicycle for an adult

How to learn to ride a bicycle for an adult

How to learn to ride a bike if you are no longer a child? Here is the experience of a person who was able to master this skill despite his adult age

What happens to you if you do the plank every day

What happens to you if you do the plank every day

The plank is one such exercise that is unlikely to go out of style. If you start doing the plank every day, there are at least seven nice changes awaiting you

How to learn to push up 50 times in a month

How to learn to push up 50 times in a month

Lifehacker tells how to learn to do push-ups from scratch and offers a detailed workout plan that will take you no more than 5 minutes a day

What to think about in training to get stronger and build muscle faster

What to think about in training to get stronger and build muscle faster

Where it is better to direct attention during training - to your feelings or to what you are working with, depends on what results you want to achieve

Workout of the Week: 30 minutes of circular workout

Workout of the Week: 30 minutes of circular workout

This circuit workout will allow you to get a good load on your arms and shoulders, hips and abs. The exercises are suitable for people of all skill levels

11 apps to help you program and keep a workout diary

11 apps to help you program and keep a workout diary

Apps from the collection will help you create a crossfit and strength training program, time rest and keep a training diary

How to hide during a nuclear disaster

How to hide during a nuclear disaster

Imagine that a low-yield nuclear bomb explodes in your city. How and where to hide to avoid the consequences of radioactive fallout?

Everything you need to know about radiation

Everything you need to know about radiation

What is radiation? How and in what doses does it affect a person? Can radiation exposure be avoided in daily life? Answers - in our article

Reverse current: what it is and how not to drown next to the shore

Reverse current: what it is and how not to drown next to the shore

If you're heading to the sea, learn what reverse flow is and how to protect yourself from the phenomenon that kills beach lovers every year

15 radioactive places in Russia and neighboring countries, from which it is better to stay away

15 radioactive places in Russia and neighboring countries, from which it is better to stay away

Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Totsk test site, Yunkom mine and other places in Russia and the CIS countries that were exposed to radiation

Basic safety rules that we somehow forget about

Basic safety rules that we somehow forget about

It often seems that safety rules are written for someone else, and accidents only happen somewhere in the news. And this is a typical mistake

12 plants that won't let you die of hunger in the wild

12 plants that won't let you die of hunger in the wild

Even if you are left in the forest without provisions, you will not starve to death if you find these edible plants. The main thing is to use them correctly: something can be eaten raw, but it is better to cook or dry something

8 survival myths that could cost you your life

8 survival myths that could cost you your life

To pretend to be dead, to suck the poison out of the wound, to determine the cardinal points by the moss. Debunking these and other popular survival myths

Actions in the event of a terrorist attack: how to survive yourself and help others

Actions in the event of a terrorist attack: how to survive yourself and help others

What should be your actions in case of a terrorist attack? Read the instructions carefully and be prepared for anything

How to survive a forest fire

How to survive a forest fire

In hot weather, a forest fire is not uncommon. What if you find yourself in the path of a forest fire? How to save your life and health?

What is a neutral flag and why athletes compete under it

What is a neutral flag and why athletes compete under it

By the decision of the IOC, our athletes will be able to compete at the 2018 Olympics under a neutral flag. What does this mean for the country and the competitors?

5 myths about sports and fitness that science refutes

5 myths about sports and fitness that science refutes

The harm and benefits of sports for knees, training in the fat burning heart rate zone and other controversial aspects in which even professionals can be mistaken

How to force yourself to play sports

How to force yourself to play sports

Blogger Maxim Bodyagin advises to stop forcing yourself, and instead choose the right sport to do and find exactly what will inspire you

Workout of the Day: Killing Complex with Two Kettlebells

Workout of the Day: Killing Complex with Two Kettlebells

This kettlebell complex will either destroy you or make you stronger. Just plan it for a day free from heavy strength training and long cardio

Do 50 burpees a day, and in a month, not only your body will be transformed

Do 50 burpees a day, and in a month, not only your body will be transformed

A challenge for muscles and willpower that will make you better. Burpee is a fast and effective workout that will transform your body beyond recognition in just 30 days. And everyone should try it

Powerful 20 minute workout that replaces an hour at the gym

Powerful 20 minute workout that replaces an hour at the gym

Together with OPPO, we share who this interval training is for and how to exercise to increase endurance and burn fat

8 unusual sports you should try this fall

8 unusual sports you should try this fall

While it is raining, slush and cold outside, you will not be able to run around the stadium or ride a bike. That's why we found unusual indoor sports

7 gadgets to make home workouts effective and comfortable

7 gadgets to make home workouts effective and comfortable

Gyms and parks are closed now, but a smart exercise bike, high-tech water bottle, smart scales will help you keep fit at home

Why men should do yoga

Why men should do yoga

Life hacker tells how yoga can be useful for men. No esotericism - only real benefits, proven by science

Purity, discipline, healthy lifestyle: what the fans and athletes of the 2018 World Cup have taught us

Purity, discipline, healthy lifestyle: what the fans and athletes of the 2018 World Cup have taught us

Some fans at the 2018 World Cup are remembered as much as football stars. You can learn a lot from the examples of stories that happened to them

How to know if your workout is successful

How to know if your workout is successful

Have you lost seven pots and think you had a good workout? We have collected 8 indicators that will help you understand if this is really the case

What to do when meeting a stray dog: safety rules and protection

What to do when meeting a stray dog: safety rules and protection

Stray dogs are predators that walk freely within the city limits. We'll show you how to avoid being attacked by a dog and emerge victorious if you're unlucky

High-intensity interval training slows aging

High-intensity interval training slows aging

You can run away from old age - scientists have come to this conclusion in a recent study. High-intensity interval training can help

How to do effective strength training at home with rags, a bed, and a chair

How to do effective strength training at home with rags, a bed, and a chair

These strength exercises are specially adapted for a minimum of equipment and free space

Magic cardio: 10 reasons to make your heart beat faster

Magic cardio: 10 reasons to make your heart beat faster

Cardio helps us become not only slimmer, but also healthier. Life hacker talks about all the benefits of this type of activity

5 circles of hell: cool chameleon driving and exercises - killer press

5 circles of hell: cool chameleon driving and exercises - killer press

Iya Zorina made another workout of the week for those who strive to pump endurance and want to learn how to strengthen muscles

Best sports and fitness articles in 2020 on Lifehacker

Best sports and fitness articles in 2020 on Lifehacker

Collected the best articles about sports: we found workouts for beautiful hips, a healthy back and for those who are always short of time

Workout of the Day: 8 Exercises for a Tightened Abdomen

Workout of the Day: 8 Exercises for a Tightened Abdomen

Do these abdominal exercises alternately or in interval format, and you will feel that the body has become light, strong and flexible