How to improve memory and get rid of boredom along the way
How to improve memory and get rid of boredom along the way

Does it happen that you do not remember what you ate for breakfast and what happened a week ago? There are several science-backed recommendations to help improve memory. It will not be boring!

How to improve memory and get rid of boredom along the way
How to improve memory and get rid of boredom along the way

Do you remember your first kiss? Or how did you get your school certificate? You may even be able to recall the details of these events. Many of our memories are combined or at least associated with important life events.

We may remember them years later, but not remember what we ate for breakfast today. There is a reason for this.

Study Locus coeruleus and dopaminergic consolidation of everyday memory. at the University of Edinburgh showed the biological processes that create our memories. These memories are called “flashing light bulbs,” and understanding this simple concept will help you improve your memorization ability.

Scientists have found that mice are better at remembering information when attention-grabbing events happen to them. For example, a mouse that walked down a new road had a better memory of finding a food source. But how does it work with humans?

how to improve memory
how to improve memory

When we are excited or something new happens to us, our brain releases the chemical dopamine and transports it to the place responsible for memory formation in the brain. A slight influx of dopamine allows us to form a memory at this moment.

So the key to improving memory is surprise.

Professor Richard Morris from the University of Edinburgh believes that events that are new to us occur quite often and that this affects our entire life. The novelty creates conditions for better memorization of what, without this novelty, would become an ordinary event and would soon be forgotten.

Dopamine is essential for the creation of memories, but research has also demonstrated the involvement of the hippocampus, a part of the brain that plays an important role in memory, emotion, and attention. This is why advertising and marketing is constantly trying to create an emotional connection with the audience in order to make them really “feel” the message.

How can you use this information to improve your memory?

  • Get distracted. You may feel very productive and focused on your work, but chances are you won't be able to remember in detail what you did afterwards. You won't be a bad worker if you take a few minutes off (most of the time).
  • Celebrate small victories. Dopamine is released when you finish something. Make a list of small things you can do quickly to get easy wins throughout the day.
  • Do a regular body workout. Buy a rope. Run the flight of stairs in the office. Even if you just get up and do 10 jumps near your desk, it will provide you with an increase in endorphin and dopamine.
  • Take the opportunity to try something new. It doesn't have to be learning a new skill. Do something unexpected for your senses: touch different textures with your hands, go out into the cold and come back. If you work from home or in a private office, try different scented oils. The point is to change the workplace so that it is not a boring space.

Improving memory is not at all tedious and tedious, but quite the opposite.;)
