Workout of the Day: Killing Complex with Two Kettlebells
Workout of the Day: Killing Complex with Two Kettlebells

It will either destroy you or make you stronger.

Workout of the Day: Killing Complex with Two Kettlebells
Workout of the Day: Killing Complex with Two Kettlebells

If you want to test your strength, joint mobility and balance, be sure to try this workout. Just plan it for a day free from heavy strength training and long cardio.

Five complex movements with two kettlebells will load the muscles of your entire body, build endurance and balance, and provide a serious workout for your core muscles.

The workout consists of the following exercises:

  1. Split squat, incline push-up on one leg, and kettlebell press.
  2. Pulling the knees to the chest with a medicine ball in one hand.
  3. Jumping over the bench with weights on the shoulders.
  4. Medball throws with a body turn with raised legs.
  5. Snatch of two kettlebells with a cross lunge.

Do these exercises in an interval training format. Work for 30 seconds, rest the rest of the minute, and move on to the next movement.

After completing the last exercise, rest for 1–2 minutes and start over. Make three circles.
