What happens to you if you do the plank every day
What happens to you if you do the plank every day

Bodyweight exercises are a simple and practical way to tidy up your body. The plank is one such exercise that is unlikely to go out of style. Why? The plank does not require much from you, and the result will be significant. First of all, the plank will improve the condition of the abdominal muscles, but not only. If you start doing the plank every day, there are at least seven nice changes awaiting you.

What happens to you if you do the plank every day
What happens to you if you do the plank every day

1. The muscles of the core will become stronger

The core muscles provide support for the viscera. They are also involved in good posture and help to avoid lower back injuries. Doing the plank daily will primarily help you strengthen these muscles. Moreover, just one exercise involves all the main muscle groups of the core at once:

  • transverse muscle - helps to lift a lot of weight;
  • rectus muscle - helps to jump better, it is also responsible for the "cubes";
  • oblique muscles - expand the possibilities of lateral tilt and twisting at the waist;
  • buttocks - support the back and give a beautiful profile.

2. The condition of the back muscles will improve

Planks will allow you to build your core without risking unnecessary stress on your back and hips. Moreover, regular execution of the bar will strengthen not only the lower body, but also the upper one. This will reduce the risk of back pain.

3. The metabolism will accelerate

The plank burns more calories than the classic ab exercises - crunches and curls. Even 10 minutes of strength training a day will speed up your metabolism. And for a fairly long time: even at night you will burn more calories. A nice bonus for those who want to lose weight.

4. Posture will improve

Strengthening the core muscles has a profound effect on the condition of the neck, shoulders, back and lower back. Doing the plank daily will help keep them in the correct position and improve your posture.

5. A sense of balance will develop

How long can you stand on one leg? Just a couple of seconds? Then you need to strengthen the abdominal muscles. The plank will help with this. By the way, a developed sense of balance will help you achieve great results in any sport.

The plank will develop a sense of balance
The plank will develop a sense of balance

6. Flexibility will improve

The plank stretches the muscles and ligaments attached to the shoulders, shoulder blades, collarbones, thighs, even toes. You can also work your oblique abdominal muscles with the side plank. By increasing the flexibility of the whole body, you will get additional benefits when doing any other exercise and just in your daily life.

7. The psychological state will improve

The plank has a special effect on the nerves, strengthening the muscles that are active in stressful situations. After a day in a work chair, your whole body goes numb, you feel tension. As a result, the mood worsens, you become lethargic and dull. Doing the plank daily will help improve your mood and have a positive effect on your nervous system.

Just 5-10 minutes will give you a boost of energy for the whole day, and daily repetition will give you a lifetime. For example, here is a five-minute complex that you can start with today.
