Health 2024, May

Why headache in the morning: 5 common reasons

Why headache in the morning: 5 common reasons

For what reasons can a headache occur in the morning and in what cases it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to prevent the development of serious diseases

How depression made me a morning person and a new approach to sleep turned me into a superman

How depression made me a morning person and a new approach to sleep turned me into a superman

Entrepreneur Alicia Liu spoke about what cognitive behavioral therapy is for insomnia, and shared her experience of dealing with depression

Why people lose memory as they age and how to avoid it

Why people lose memory as they age and how to avoid it

How to preserve memory and live to old age in a clear mind? Here are some simple tips to help you avoid age-related disorders

Scientists have proven that the brain can grow new neurons throughout its life

Scientists have proven that the brain can grow new neurons throughout its life

The new neurons will protect against depression, PTSD, and even Alzheimer's. It remains only to learn how to start the process of their formation

4 reasons why we feel tired after waking up

4 reasons why we feel tired after waking up

We often wake up feeling bad, irritable, and unwilling to leave bed. This article will tell you why we feel tired after sleep

3 myths about carbohydrates that prevent you from living

3 myths about carbohydrates that prevent you from living

Which to choose: slow or fast carbohydrates? What will a carbohydrate-free diet lead to? Do you get fat from carbohydrates? We answer the most common questions

8 ways to motivate yourself to go for a walk more often

8 ways to motivate yourself to go for a walk more often

Bird watching, map orientation and other unusual options. Walking is good for your health, and ideally you should walk every day. But often we find a lot of reasons to refuse a walk: bad weather, not enough time, no mood, nowhere to go.

Which cardio workout to choose: running, cycling, swimming, aerobics, boxing or cardio in the gym

Which cardio workout to choose: running, cycling, swimming, aerobics, boxing or cardio in the gym

How to build endurance if you don't like running? There is cardio with and without exercise machines, in groups, with music. Find out which type of cardio workout is right for you

14 remedies to help you avoid scratching mosquito bites

14 remedies to help you avoid scratching mosquito bites

After being bitten by mosquitoes, itching is useless: the itching returns, it is a vicious circle. Let's try to break it using drugs from the pharmacy and folk recipes

How alcohol affects the body and brain

How alcohol affects the body and brain

We decided to figure out how alcohol affects the body and whether it is worth worrying about how much alcohol we consume

How to strengthen a child's immunity

How to strengthen a child's immunity

A proper diet and walks in nature will strengthen the baby's immunity - just let him play in the grass and get dirty with earth

8 things that harm your immune system

8 things that harm your immune system

If you want your immune system to always be in good condition, you should think about your habits that harm it

How to protect your lungs from urban smog and dust

How to protect your lungs from urban smog and dust

Dirty air, smog, dust - the scourge of big cities. If you are unable to travel outside the city, a few tips will help you protect your lungs and stay healthy

How to assemble a travel first aid kit

How to assemble a travel first aid kit

A travel first aid kit is a must-have item when traveling. Lifehacker's tips will help you collect everything you need to cope with possible ailments

The cause of spring allergies and how to deal with it

The cause of spring allergies and how to deal with it

For some people, spring, especially during the period of warmth and flowering of various plants, is the most favorite time of the year. But for millions of allergy sufferers, spring and earlier summer is a period of exhausting sneezing, runny nose, cough, watery eyes and fog in the head.

Misfortunes of the XXI century: phobias, diseases and disorders of modern man

Misfortunes of the XXI century: phobias, diseases and disorders of modern man

What are sick, afraid, and what are people suffering from in the digital age? Sometimes completely unexpected things become the cause of phobias

Why and what to do about hangover anxiety

Why and what to do about hangover anxiety

If after the next party you suffer from anxiety and blackouts and you know what a heavy hangover is, firsthand, this article is for you

Why are we so tired on Monday

Why are we so tired on Monday

If on Friday evening you enjoyed life and slept on the weekend, your body has lost the habit of working days. Here are the main reasons for the tiredness you feel

Clay and breast milk: 5 questionable trends in a healthy lifestyle

Clay and breast milk: 5 questionable trends in a healthy lifestyle

Lunar Diet, Bentonite Clay Eating, Activated Charcoal Drinks, and Other Questionable Healthy Lifestyle Trends

How to be vegan and stay healthy

How to be vegan and stay healthy

A varied diet and several vitamins - and you don't have to worry about anything: figuring out if a vegan can get the necessary substances from food

How much life expectancy depends on DNA

How much life expectancy depends on DNA

For a while, scientists believed that life expectancy was highly dependent on DNA. However, a joint study by Calico and the non-profit organization Ancestry showed that this is not the case. Our personal contributions seem to weigh more

Addiction: what it is and why it occurs

Addiction: what it is and why it occurs

Addiction changes the structure of the brain, but it is not a disease that can be cured with drugs. Rather, it is a habit that we learn

Top 6 signs that you're stressed

Top 6 signs that you're stressed

Constant stress is the norm for the average person, and this will surprise no one. But journalist Ashley Abramson did it

What is a 5: 2 diet and does it really help you lose weight?

What is a 5: 2 diet and does it really help you lose weight?

On a 5: 2 diet, you don't have to fast, and in a few weeks you can lose about 5 kilograms. At the same time, the muscle mass will not go anywhere

How stress and worry physically change our brains

How stress and worry physically change our brains

After psychological trauma, we become different people - it's true. Stress can alter our brains at the cellular level. Figured out how it manifests itself

10 health care services you should get for free but cost money

10 health care services you should get for free but cost money

The compulsory medical insurance policy is not just a piece of paper, but a working tool for treatment and prevention. You just need to learn how to use it and know your rights

How easy it is to start eating right

How easy it is to start eating right

Proper nutrition can be not only healthy, but also delicious. How to stay healthy and enjoy food, we will tell you in this article

Why mood changes every 5 minutes and what to do about it

Why mood changes every 5 minutes and what to do about it

Perhaps your mood is just the result of banal fatigue. But sometimes jumps in emotional state indicate a serious illness

Why you shouldn't shower so often

Why you shouldn't shower so often

Daily shower is the norm in modern society, which is dictated by considerations of hygiene and aesthetics. But is it really necessary to shower so often?

How to use your smartphone before bed without harm to your health

How to use your smartphone before bed without harm to your health

A recent study showed that using a smartphone before bed is still possible, but with some caveats

How to distinguish real alcohol from fake

How to distinguish real alcohol from fake

Choose your drinks carefully and without haste. Life hacker tells what to look for in order not to buy fake alcohol

What is dietary thinking and how it makes you gain extra pounds

What is dietary thinking and how it makes you gain extra pounds

You may be dieting all the time, even though you’re sure you’re not. Understanding How Diet Thinking Causes You to Overeat

13 scientifically proven ways to get enough sleep

13 scientifically proven ways to get enough sleep

Many people suffer from sleep disorders. Life hacker collected some tips on how to fall asleep without tossing and turning in bed for hours, and then wake up on time and full of energy

10 ways to improve your sleep

10 ways to improve your sleep

Healthy sleep is essential for well-being. The World Sleep Society has developed "10 Sleep Hygiene Rules for Adults." If you follow them, sleep problems will bypass you

If you are not doing well with sports, then you need to start from the head

If you are not doing well with sports, then you need to start from the head

Lifehacker briefly tells how to force yourself to play sports, if until today you have not been able to do it

How to Relax in 5 Minutes: A Simple Relaxation Technique

How to Relax in 5 Minutes: A Simple Relaxation Technique

In this article, we will tell you how to get through stress if you need to recover as soon as possible, and trying to calm down does not work. This relaxation technique will help you

How to develop brain plasticity

How to develop brain plasticity

Most brain training exercises are not helpful. To truly become more effective at solving problems, you need to develop brain plasticity

3 simple tips to keep your brain young and healthy

3 simple tips to keep your brain young and healthy

The neuroscientist explains why we lose mental clarity as we age and how to maintain brain health for years to come. Pay attention to your lifestyle

How to fall asleep in a minute

How to fall asleep in a minute

If you have insomnia, a simple breathing exercise can help. In the article we will tell you how to fall asleep quickly without taking pills

Why are we so obsessed with dieting?

Why are we so obsessed with dieting?

Many of us have a fear of death that affects our behavior. Turns out the modern diet obsession is another way to deal with it