Clay and breast milk: 5 questionable trends in a healthy lifestyle
Clay and breast milk: 5 questionable trends in a healthy lifestyle

New diets and training methods are constantly emerging, becoming fashionable, quickly spreading and just as quickly forgotten. Some are based on the achievements of science, others are not. Here are five current nutrition and exercise trends to question.

Clay and breast milk: 5 questionable trends in a healthy lifestyle
Clay and breast milk: 5 questionable trends in a healthy lifestyle

People are so preoccupied with their health and appearance that they easily accept the most delusional diets and ways to maintain health. These methods spread like wildfire, especially when used by celebrities. And while some diets have a healthy grain of health benefits backed by science, others are the real focus of delirium that not only does not make you healthier, but can also do harm.

Here are five controversial health trends and the scientific explanation for their worthlessness.

Bentonite clay

Many people, including some celebrities, believe that bentonite clay helps to flush out toxins. It should be clarified right away that this refers to bentonite clay, which is mined in Greece, some parts of Africa and the western part of the United States, and not the usual red clay for crafts.

It's a delusion. Your body has its own biochemical ways of eliminating toxins.

Kendra Kattelmann is a nutritionist and nutritionist from South Dakota, USA

Despite the fact that clay contains iron, there is no evidence that it actually benefits us. Iron, which is contained in food, is easily absorbed by the body due to the protein with which it is supplied. With regard to clay, it is unclear whether the minerals derived from it are absorbed. So leave the dirt alone, there are many other ways to provide the body with the minerals it needs.

Training zone

Training zone
Training zone

This training method was invented in prison and is based on various bodyweight exercises. This high-intensity workout can help you build muscle and burn fat, but this method has its drawbacks.

High intensity exercise is stressful for the body.

Stasinos Stavrianeas Professor, Physical Education Specialist at Willamet University

Without preliminary preparation and correct execution technique, this entails injuries, dislocations and tears. So maybe you should choose a more gentle training program?

Activated carbon drinks

This is one of the new trends in cleansing the body. Activated carbon is widely used for poisoning, but recently it has been added to lemonades and juices.

Charcoal can actually prevent the absorption of toxic substances in the intestines. But it can do the same with vitamins, minerals, medicines, and other substances you need. Charcoal also has side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, and intestinal obstruction. Not the most pleasant consequences, is it?

Breast milk

Adults consume breast milk or make cheese and ice cream from it, motivating this by the fact that since babies strengthen their immune system through breast milk, it will also benefit adults. However, the benefits of breast milk for adults have not been proven. And having received milk from an unverified source, you can become infected with HIV, hepatitis and other viral diseases.

Werewolf diet, or moon diet

Werewolf diet, or moon diet
Werewolf diet, or moon diet

This diet is followed by celebrities such as Madonna and Demi Moore. Its essence is to plan meals in accordance with the lunar phases. The days of fasting, when only drinking water, fruit and vegetable juices are allowed, fall on the days of the new moon and full moon.

Intermittent fasting will actually help you lose weight and possibly improve your health. But how and when you should refrain from food, you need to decide based on the sensations of your body, and not on the phases of the moon.
