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How to develop brain plasticity
How to develop brain plasticity

Most brain training exercises have no practical benefit. To really train your brain, you need to develop neuroplasticity.

How to develop brain plasticity
How to develop brain plasticity

“Our brains are always trying to solve problems. He constantly puts together a complete picture from small parts. In the process, it undergoes neuroplastic changes,”says neurologist Henry Mahncke, one of the creators of the BrainHQ brain training exercise.

As a result, we form new neuropaths - that is, the shape of the brain literally changes. These pathways help process external stimuli, so brain training that builds neuroplasticity is much more beneficial than simple memory exercises. To develop neuroplasticity, Manke advises to constantly strain the brain and give it new tasks.

1. Start to develop a new difficult skill

Repeating the same actions, even if they stimulate the brain, is not enough to develop neuroplasticity, Munke says. For example, if you've been doing crossword puzzles for ten years, your brain doesn't do much good. Try something completely different, like playing a musical instrument, and practice at least 2-3 hours a week.

2. Take a different route home and notice everything around

Another way to develop your brain is to travel. On trips, everything from buying bread to finding a way to a hotel seems new and unusual. If you cannot travel frequently, take a different route from work to home. Go to a grocery store other than your usual grocery store, go to your favorite park in a different way, pay attention to different sounds and smells, expand your mental map of your city.

After a few days, when the new road becomes familiar, change the route again. This activates the hippocampus, the area of the brain that is responsible for learning and memory.

3. Move more and eat well

It is more difficult for the body to maintain a sharp mind if it has to spend energy fighting problems like high blood pressure and other diseases. So try to eat right and be active, such as going for walks or jogging regularly. And if you want to exercise both body and brain at the same time, do not forget to change the route every few days.
