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How to strengthen a child's immunity
How to strengthen a child's immunity

Research proves that to make your child less sick, you should not stuff him with vitamins from the pharmacy and treat everything around with antiseptics. A proper diet and walks in nature will strengthen the baby's immunity - just let him play in the grass and get dirty with earth.

How to strengthen a child's immunity
How to strengthen a child's immunity

Being a parent is difficult and very stressful. New medical research is published every day, and the list of chronic diseases that your little one can earn as a child grows almost daily. Eczema, asthma, allergies, lactose intolerance, and behavioral problems like distracted attention syndrome all come in the form of nightmares and make life difficult.

But you can save yourself from constant fear, and the child from all these problems, if you just allow him to wallow in the mud with pleasure. This point of view has been gaining more and more supporters lately.

healthy children, how to strengthen the child's immunity
healthy children, how to strengthen the child's immunity

Parents try to protect the child from those things that they consider dangerous to his health. Almost everything that surrounds the baby is constantly treated with antiseptics and soap. The result is exactly the opposite: a study by the journal Occupational Environmental Lidia Casas, Ana Espinosa, Alícia Borràs-Santos. … found that children who are more in contact with antiseptics catch colds 20% more often.

Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein is of the same opinion:

Microbes, fresh food, and being in nature will help improve your child's health. Medicines cannot do what a long walk in the woods can do.

Over the past few years, it has become clear that the human microbiome - the unique community of microorganisms in the gut - is vital to human immunity and health. The more diverse this set, the better, and excessive sanitization deprives our body of this diversity.

Moreover, one teaspoon of soil contains as many microorganisms as there are people on the planet.

Of course, no one encourages you to eat the earth with spoons. However, studies show that children raised in villages or on farms are much less likely to suffer from allergies and asthma, because they are regularly exposed to a large number of microorganisms.

To strengthen the health of the child, it is enough to walk outdoors more often (in the park, in the forest, near water bodies) and eat food grown in living soil. Children should play in the mud, get dirty and have fun without worrying about germs getting into their bodies.

This is not quantum physics or magic. These are simple principles that come from common sense and are supported by research.

What will help strengthen the child's immune system

1. Stay in nature

Walk with your child in nature more often. Let him play in the grass, among the trees, get dirty in the mud - do not scold him for this. This will train your immune system.

2. Broths

Bone-boiled broth contains healthy fats that support the baby's immune system. The broth can be used as a base for a soup or as a separate dish - you decide.

3 eggs

Eggs are rich in cholesterol, which is essential for the immune system and brain to function. If chickens are well fed, eggs will contain both choline and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for good health, memory and attention.

Vitamins containing these substances are often sold as pills to increase concentration in a child. Don't be fooled: the right diet can provide everything your little one needs.

4. Foods with a bitter taste

Peels of fruits and vegetables, herbs, tea, dark chocolate - all these products are united by a special bitter taste. The substances that are responsible for it help balance appetite, strengthen the immune system, and stabilize sugar levels.

5. Fermented food

Cask cucumbers, sauerkraut, live yogurt are probiotic-rich foods that benefit the microbiome and thus strengthen the immune system.
