Table of contents:

If you are not doing well with sports, then you need to start from the head
If you are not doing well with sports, then you need to start from the head

It's all about your attitude to classes.

If you are not doing well with sports, then you need to start from the head
If you are not doing well with sports, then you need to start from the head

I am sure that almost all people want to be healthy, beautiful and strong. Everyone knows perfectly well that the most effective way here is physical exercise. But somehow it doesn't go beyond this knowledge. The person seems to want, it seems to be trying, but all attempts are limited to a few morning runs or buying a gym membership. After that, fatigue, apathy, omissions pile up. As a result, a person puts the stamp "unsuitable for sports" to himself and calmly sits down near the TV.

But if we proceed from the axiom that we are all made of the same muscles and bones, the reason for such unsuitability lies in something else. It's in the head. Rather, in those thoughts and attitudes that do not allow us to achieve sports success and reduce all undertakings in this matter to naught. So you need to start with them.

It is necessary to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day for the result to appear

Advanced athletes can laugh at my words. But the reality of life is that it can be too difficult for beginners to exercise for 30 minutes in a row, and it is generally impossible to allocate such a period of time in your busy day.

You read the recommendations for one-hour workouts, take on them, fail and quit. Sound familiar?

Therefore, it is better to start with five minutes, but do it every day. Yes, during this time you will not be able to lose weight or build up a mountain of muscles. It's more like gymnastics for the brain, which will develop your habit of playing sports every day. And then you will gradually increase the minutes, it will not go anywhere.

I can't bring myself to do it

A typical story: a person wants to lose weight, reads articles about the need to run, goes to the treadmill, tries … and hates every minute of his at the stadium! Of course, everything ends quickly.

The solution to this problem is very simple. Do not follow the lead of the articles you read, the advice you hear, or authoritative opinions. Look for your own path that will not cause rejection in you. Do not like running - do dancing, walking, yoga. In general, do what you really enjoy doing.

I don't need it at all

Lack of motivation. This is more common among fairly young and successful people who do not experience major health problems. "I am all right, why are these torments?"

You look great and you feel great, but what can you say to this:

  • Exercise reduces the risk of many diseases: diabetes, certain types of cancer, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases. Are you insured against them?
  • Increases life expectancy. According to the latest research, just 15 minutes of daily exercise can extend life by three years. Don't you need it?
  • Improves mood. Exercise doesn't just help you avoid depression: a good workout or walk makes you happier. No magic, pure biochemistry.
  • Increases your energy levels. Regular physical activity increases your stamina and also helps your heart and lungs work more efficiently. Yes, this means that you will become more resilient, energetic, more efficient.
  • Improves sex life. It does not need comments and proofs.

Are you sure you don't need all this?

It's too boring

Indeed, swinging a kettlebell in a gym for an hour may not be very fun. Therefore, once again we return to the beginning of the article and read tips about the duration of classes and the search for an interesting type of workout.

In addition, there are many ways to turn your workout from dull boring into the brightest and most interesting part of the day. Listen to podcasts and audiobooks as you run, stretch during a movie, or cycle to new albums from your favorite bands. After all, training is exactly the time that you devote only to yourself, and any person is quite capable of making it as interesting as possible.

As a result, you yourself will strive for each next workout in order to listen to a book, watch a series, or talk to an interesting interlocutor in the gym.

I have already tried it, nothing worked for me

Of course, negative experience pulls back and can hinder future steps.

But show the person who never failed, who always succeeded on the first try. There are none, which does not prevent people from living and developing.

The main thing is to understand that the past should not determine your future. And draw conclusions from past failures. And start all over again. And get your way.
