Productivity 2024, May

Why you should give up the keyboard and write by hand

Why you should give up the keyboard and write by hand

Did you know that handwriting is a more effective way of memorizing information than typing on a keyboard? What do you usually use to plan your day - a pen and notebook or a program on your smartphone? Despite the vast array of different planners, electronic notepads, and other programs, handwriting can do more for you than typing.

How to use your time efficiently

How to use your time efficiently

Leave the excuse that you don't have time and learn to manage it wisely. Time management will help you with this

Why being busy is a new form of laziness

Why being busy is a new form of laziness

Intercom's assistant vice president, Megan Sheridan, believes people are too obsessed with time and timing. So much so that they are trying to cover up their laziness. We bring to your attention Meghan's essay on this topic. Contrary to popular belief, time is not a limiter.

How to Choose the Perfect Planner: 6 Options for Different Purposes

How to Choose the Perfect Planner: 6 Options for Different Purposes

"Therapist", "secretary", "teacher", "archivist" - the right kind of diary will be your best assistant in achieving personal and professional goals. In popular online stores there are up to 10,000 options on request "

Where to get energy in a state of stress

Where to get energy in a state of stress

Where to get energy when there is chaos and stress around? These tips will help you find the strength to work long and hard, while continuing to live, not exist

How millionaires and successful people replace to-do lists

How millionaires and successful people replace to-do lists

Millionaires don't make to-do lists, they plan tasks. Why you should throw out your to-do list and how best to do it, read today

How cleaning can help you beat your creative crisis

How cleaning can help you beat your creative crisis

The notorious creative crisis is a problem familiar to all creative people. However, there is an easy way to get the brain out of its stupor - cleaning

10 tools for planning your time

10 tools for planning your time

Proper time planning is an important factor in achieving your goals. And these programs will become faithful helpers on the path to success

7 tips on how to clean up your computer and deal with routine

7 tips on how to clean up your computer and deal with routine

Can't rake your email and navigate your browser bookmarks? We tell you how to put things in order in your computer and make your routine easier

Efficiency Secrets for the Beginning Leader

Efficiency Secrets for the Beginning Leader

Your colleagues don't see you as a boss yet, but the demand is already great. If you are a budding leader, a few tips can help you turn the situation in your favor

How executives sleep 4-5 hours a day and successfully run huge companies

How executives sleep 4-5 hours a day and successfully run huge companies

The life hacker shares recommendations on how to be super productive while spending a minimum of time on rest. The correct daily routine will help you

9 Simple, Powerful Tips to Improve Your Productivity

9 Simple, Powerful Tips to Improve Your Productivity

Personal effectiveness depends on many factors. These tips, which we often neglect, will help to optimize life in all areas

30 productivity tools for all occasions

30 productivity tools for all occasions

How to choose a task manager, note manager and goal tracker when there are so many of them? We have selected the best tools for you in each of the categories

The Law of Equal Effort: How to Achieve Your Goals and Avoid Fatigue

The Law of Equal Effort: How to Achieve Your Goals and Avoid Fatigue

It doesn't matter if you want to run a marathon, start your own business, or build a happy relationship: the law of equal effort will teach you how to make the right effort

How to prevent letters from overwhelming you

How to prevent letters from overwhelming you

By following these rules, you will be able to maintain order in your mailbox and optimize the time spent on working with mail

10 ways to beat a crisis of ideas

10 ways to beat a crisis of ideas

Change the environment, communicate with a person from the outside, use creative techniques - this will help to overcome the creative block when there is no inspiration

50 Gold Tips to Improve Productivity

50 Gold Tips to Improve Productivity

The definitive guide on how to intelligently organize your workflow, increase your productivity, and enjoy your well-deserved rest

How to beat sleepy morning apathy in 10 minutes

How to beat sleepy morning apathy in 10 minutes

Don't want to be a sleepy fly in the morning? And you don't need to! A few simple steps will provide the desired vigor even for one hundred percent owls. If you usually find it difficult to wake up and part with your pillow, here's a practical guide for 10-15 minutes.

Why you should follow the example of Steve Jobs and get your own personal uniform

Why you should follow the example of Steve Jobs and get your own personal uniform

Sometimes making a decision is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is not to get tired before this. Take the example of Steve Jobs and give up your daily clothing choices

How to stay productive with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

How to stay productive with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Correcting ADHD is a difficult task, but here is the experience of a woman who has built a successful career despite her tendency to procrastinate and forget everything

9 things that kill your productivity

9 things that kill your productivity

To increase productivity, you need to identify and understand the barriers to this goal. Well, Lifehacker will tell you how to get rid of them

10 unusual ways to make plans doable

10 unusual ways to make plans doable

How do you make plans doable, make them work for you? How to deal with the causes of all kinds of work troubles? We are talking about this and not only today

The rule of three will help you focus on what matters most

The rule of three will help you focus on what matters most

How to keep up with everything? No way. Give up this idea and focus your efforts on the essentials. Here's a simple rule to help you do this

4 ways to do more in a week than others do in a month

4 ways to do more in a week than others do in a month

So many tasks that your head is spinning? Don't panic! You can do more than you think if you follow the advice of AllTopStartups founder Thomas Oppong

10 time management ideas for spontaneous people

10 time management ideas for spontaneous people

Time management is not an easy task if you are a creative person. Find out how to choose time management tools according to your personality type

Friday Brain Relief to Improve Concentration

Friday Brain Relief to Improve Concentration

Unloading your brain is doing small things that you keep putting off. How to unload the brain, do everything and improve concentration - read

The Zeigarnik effect will help you complete all tasks

The Zeigarnik effect will help you complete all tasks

If you're having trouble getting projects and plans completed, you can increase your personal productivity with the Zeigarnik effect. This psychological effect deals with unfinished tasks, and prevents you from leaving them unfulfilled. Have you ever had such a thing that you completely forget the task as soon as it is completed?

How to make better use of the GTD system

How to make better use of the GTD system

Writer and blogger Leo Babauta explains how to use the Getting Things Done method to optimize task scheduling and get rid of anything that gets in the way of your productivity

How not to burn out at work and in life

How not to burn out at work and in life

Burnout is the depletion of physical or emotional strength and motivation, usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration. We will tell you how to deal with it

18 positive affirmations to combat stress and burnout

18 positive affirmations to combat stress and burnout

If you are overwhelmed with work, positive affirmations will come to your rescue. They will be your anchor in the sea of stress and help you solve problems

How to deal with work-overload helplessness

How to deal with work-overload helplessness

To break out of this vicious circle and defeat the overload, you need a clear plan of action. To get started, just pick a small task and focus on it

Life hacks for efficiency from a mother of many children

Life hacks for efficiency from a mother of many children

For those who are always short of time or energy. Or both. Are you a mom and you don't have time for anything? Children do not allow you to be realized the way you want? Is there chaos in your house and in your life, and it seems that it will be so until the children grow up?

How to make anxiety and fear work for you

How to make anxiety and fear work for you

In a state of anxiety, there is little pleasant. However, fear is useful in some cases. You can benefit and channel this energy in the right direction

6 lists that will make you more productive

6 lists that will make you more productive

If you are working with a lot of information, a to-do list will help you. We'll show you how to use lists to be more productive and calmer

"GTD even works in space." Lifehacker's interview with productivity father David Allen

"GTD even works in space." Lifehacker's interview with productivity father David Allen

David Allen, the author of the GTD system, told Lifehacker who needs this system and how it works

How to develop willpower and go to your goal without distraction

How to develop willpower and go to your goal without distraction

Meet: the most complete manual for strengthening willpower! How to develop willpower and economically use this resource, you will find out right now

Is multitasking good for our brains

Is multitasking good for our brains

Many of you have heard and read that being efficient requires no multitasking in the process, but there are times when even at home you might find yourself having dinner in front of the TV with your laptop on next to you. Working with mail, we are trying to do something else on Facebook and Twitter, while not forgetting about Google+. In theory, focusing on one task is easier than having several processes in your head at once. So why are we so

7 ways to increase your productivity

7 ways to increase your productivity

All of us very often lack the motivation to complete an important task. Often we ourselves deliberately delay the completion of this or that task simply because we do not want to do it. As a result, our efficiency and productivity are reduced.

Why is it so hard to focus on work and what to do about it

Why is it so hard to focus on work and what to do about it

99% of office workers admitted that loud noises interfere with their work and prevent them from focusing on tasks. However, this can be dealt with

Measure tasks in Pomodoros. Effective planning is easier than you think

Measure tasks in Pomodoros. Effective planning is easier than you think

A bit strange at first glance, but an effective planning technique - consider your time in tomatoes. It's simple, fast and leads to good results