Table of contents:

How to deal with work-overload helplessness
How to deal with work-overload helplessness

Pick a small problem and start with it.

How to deal with work-overload helplessness
How to deal with work-overload helplessness

There are days when work comes and comes, and you sit like paralyzed and cannot take on it. It's not just productivity that suffers. You find yourself in a vicious circle of low motivation.

By avoiding work, you watch TV shows or play games, and then you get upset that you wasted half a day. Motivation is dramatically reduced from this, so you can't work in the afternoon either. Usually this condition lasts for several days in a row.

Workload: A vicious circle of reduced motivation
Workload: A vicious circle of reduced motivation

To break out of this vicious circle, you need a clear plan of action. Developer and blogger Belle Beth Cooper said that she helps her in such cases.

1. Pick one task and complete it

Remember that joyous feeling when you check off an item from a list or share a link to a finished document. Nothing motivates like this feeling.

So pick a task and focus all your energies on it. After completing it, you will feel a little better, you will have faith in yourself.

If you don't know where to start, write down all the tasks on paper or on a whiteboard. When they are in front of your eyes, it is much easier to understand. Or start with a small task. For example, write a letter to a customer that has been delayed for a long time, or sort out the bills. The resulting boost in productivity will help you tackle more complex tasks.

2. Highlight the main thing and discard the rest

Reconsider your priorities and give up some things. For example, from developmental seminars, free work, additional projects, or brainstorming sessions with colleagues. This may sound selfish. And it’s unpleasant to refuse something in which you would like to participate. But this is necessary until you figure out the main part of the work.

Think about what one thing you can do, after which everything else will become easier or not needed at all. Or use the Eisenhower Matrix to select the most important tasks.

Urgently Do not rush
  • Crises
  • Burning questions
  • Planning
  • Prevention
  • Planned team activities
  • Studies
No matter
  • Calls
  • Correspondence
  • Meetings
  • Fluidity
  • Wasted time due to disorganization
  • Conversations on personal topics

Even in such tense periods, it is very useful to delegate authority. Try to negotiate with colleagues. They may agree to temporarily take over some of your responsibilities. Try to delegate household chores to someone so as not to waste time on them.

3. Start small

A small task is easier to handle. This will give you a boost of energy and help you get rid of your work "paralysis". According to Cooper, if she needs to write an article, she creates and saves a new document. It may contain nothing but the title, but it exists, and after that it's easier to get down to business.

Sometimes there are a lot of cases on current projects, and they are all important. Break them down into small steps that can be mastered in a day, and complete them one by one. This will help you gradually cope with larger tasks.

Even if you have done only a few small things by the end of the day, it’s still better than nothing.

4. Don't forget about health

Of course, I want to quickly cope with the task and not spend a minute on other things. Even to your health. But without sleep, good nutrition, and exercise, you won't be able to perform at your full potential. And if there is a lot of work, strength is needed more than ever. Therefore, be sure to try to get enough sleep and exercise regularly. And to save time and stay in the kitchen for a long time, prepare more portions in advance and stock up on healthy snacks.
