Productivity 2024, May

How to Become a Productivity Monster Using the 90/30 Method

How to Become a Productivity Monster Using the 90/30 Method

Thomas Oppong, an entrepreneur and blogger who discovered ultradian rhythms, talks about how to become more productive

The two minute rule will make the job easier

The two minute rule will make the job easier

Each of us has succumbed to procrastination at least once. Adopt the two-minute rule to help you get started on your goals

Work for life, don't live for work

Work for life, don't live for work

Trying to look like a good employee, we start to stretch the working day. But this only hinders productivity. Life hacker indicates a way out of the situation

Day by Day for Android will help you achieve your goals

Day by Day for Android will help you achieve your goals

The Day by Day app uses a continuous chaining method. This simple yet effective technique will help you maintain good habits

"Perfectionism is poison." 8 insights on personal effectiveness and strategies for success

"Perfectionism is poison." 8 insights on personal effectiveness and strategies for success

About why the key resource is energy, not time, why put off important things until later, why it is worth refraining from shopping, and the news is better to read in the evening

4 tricks to help you stay focused on your work

4 tricks to help you stay focused on your work

To do a better job at work, you need to worry about your comfort. Here are four tricks to keep you focused on your work

How to do what you thought was impossible

How to do what you thought was impossible

Scott Hanselman is one of the world's most renowned and respected Microsoft web experts. His secrets to productivity - in this article

How Google employees cope with stress and stay creative

How Google employees cope with stress and stay creative

Google brings together innovators with a passion for what they do. The company has developed a recipe for dealing with stress, which also helps to find creative solutions

Time management in simple words. Priority of tasks

Time management in simple words. Priority of tasks

Let's talk about the priority of tasks. Many have serious problems with him. We have all seen people who, even for a minute, cannot sit idle. They work from morning to night all their lives. They don't even retire. But here's the paradox - their life is not getting better!

Napuchino - coffee with a little sleep

Napuchino - coffee with a little sleep

Napuccino is coffee combined with a nap for an extra boost of energy

Why do scribblers remember information better

Why do scribblers remember information better

A study by the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology found that doodle people have an easier time remembering information. Why - we will tell in this article

11 ways to get the most out of your day

11 ways to get the most out of your day

Sometimes it seems that there are not enough hours in a day to redo everything. In the article we will tell you how to have a productive day and be in time for everything

How to sleep 4, 5 hours a day and be productive

How to sleep 4, 5 hours a day and be productive

If you are tired of not having time for anything, and valuable time is spent on sleep, try switching to polyphasic sleep, which will take about 4 hours a day

A non-obvious but working way to cut down on your mailing time

A non-obvious but working way to cut down on your mailing time

Working with letters on a daily basis is time consuming. However, this is fixable. A couple of simple steps - and you will quickly and efficiently deal with mail

6 brain science facts to help organize your day

6 brain science facts to help organize your day

A former FBI agent explains facts about the brain, knowledge of which can make you much more productive. Use neurobiological mechanisms to your advantage

10 useful tools for a freelancer

10 useful tools for a freelancer

Mint, Toggl, Timely and other services and applications that will help you manage projects, track time, reduce distractions and control your finances

Time management in simple words. Don't try to eat the whole cow

Time management in simple words. Don't try to eat the whole cow

This article is about breaking down large tasks into smaller subtasks. Why is it important and how to do it right

On the benefits of background noise, or How to work with birdsong

On the benefits of background noise, or How to work with birdsong

Are you familiar with the Pomodoro technique? Its idea is to split the work into intervals of 25 minutes. Pomodoro proponents only use mechanical timers that are sure to tick. In the age of smartphones and mp3 players, this seems silly, but the effect is there.

How creative hobbies and side projects make us better at everything

How creative hobbies and side projects make us better at everything

In our society, one can often find such a conviction that supposedly hobbies and extraneous projects interfere with our work. However, today there is a lot of research, experimentation and sound reasoning that testifies to the exact opposite.

Why is it helpful to spend an hour a week thinking and how to do it

Why is it helpful to spend an hour a week thinking and how to do it

Obsessive thoughts tire and drain psychic energy. This exercise will help you analyze what is bothering you and put your thoughts in a productive direction

Why time control doesn't work

Why time control doesn't work

Time management promises to teach us how to control time and even make us happy. But somehow we only get even more tired and nervous

How to Record Cornell Lectures

How to Record Cornell Lectures

The Cornell Method organizes your notes and thoughts in your head. Use it to record lectures at university or for work notes

How to tune in to a working mood in 7 minutes

How to tune in to a working mood in 7 minutes

It only takes 7 minutes to tune in to work. Try these steps and see how your productivity improves

How collaboration affects productivity

How collaboration affects productivity

Many researchers talk about the negative consequences of collaboration. They believe it reduces productivity. Therefore, a comprehensive approach emerged

How does clutter affect productivity and what to do about it?

How does clutter affect productivity and what to do about it?

Physiology is to blame for the love of hoarding, but you can get rid of unnecessary things with a few steps. Keeping order is an integral part of the work cycle. Kerry Gleason businessman, business coach, time management specialist A mug of unfinished tea, a case for glasses, a notebook, a candy wrapper, a phone charger … During the day, a lot of unnecessary things accumulate on my desktop.

Unusual productivity hacks from Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Elon Musk

Unusual productivity hacks from Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Elon Musk

Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Elon Musk are some of the richest people in the world. Here are some methods to help them stay productive

5 ways to improve your workplace

5 ways to improve your workplace

Your workplace noticeably influences your thoughts and actions. How to be more productive by changing your workspace

If you don't write, you don't think. How to take notes productively with the Zettelkasten method

If you don't write, you don't think. How to take notes productively with the Zettelkasten method

Take notes according to the Zettelkasten method whenever possible and form a personal "Wikipedia" out of them. Alexey Chernyak tells what it will give you

How to save 30 minutes a day

How to save 30 minutes a day

How to save time, which is always so lacking? Here are 15 simple tips to help you do it

How an empty inbox affects your productivity

How an empty inbox affects your productivity

Most problems with personal productivity are the result of uncertainty and confusion. An empty inbox is one way to avoid this

"0 incoming" - a clear system for maintaining zero inbox

"0 incoming" - a clear system for maintaining zero inbox

Not sure how to handle email, for example if you have 100 emails a day? Use the correct technique. Which one? Let's tell in this post

How to manage mail: 10 tips from TED staff

How to manage mail: 10 tips from TED staff

TED employee Michael McWaters shares 10 tips on how to manage mail on a company blog

The easiest way to get your thoughts under control

The easiest way to get your thoughts under control

Scientists have found that you can become more collected and sane and increase cognitive control just by looking at a certain type of pictures

Why notifications teach us to ignore tasks

Why notifications teach us to ignore tasks

Notifications help you quickly find out about messages and scheduled tasks, but if there are too many of them, they kill productivity

How to be more productive in 2019

How to be more productive in 2019

If increasing productivity is one of your goals for the coming year, then this collection will definitely come in handy. Learn how to get things in order, create the perfect work environment and the right mindset

6 ways to stay productive with flexible hours

6 ways to stay productive with flexible hours

A flexible schedule is not only about the ability to sleep during the day and work at night. But also the loss of productivity. You will have to take care of the stability yourself

What Good Habits Do a Truly Happy Entrepreneur Have?

What Good Habits Do a Truly Happy Entrepreneur Have?

These useful habits of businessmen will help develop all facets of life, remain a healthy and successful entrepreneur

Everything ingenious is simple: the daily routine of Beethoven, Hemingway and other famous people

Everything ingenious is simple: the daily routine of Beethoven, Hemingway and other famous people

The daily routine and habits of famous people help them get rid of routine in business. Long walks, timing and solitude promote maximum concentration and efficient work

5 lessons from Benjamin Franklin to help you succeed in life

5 lessons from Benjamin Franklin to help you succeed in life

Introducing Benjamin Franklin's Basic Rules of Life. Learn how to manage your time efficiently and achieve moral excellence in this post

How to get more done and work less

How to get more done and work less

Here are 6 fun tips to get more done by working 4.5 hours a day. Try it and you will notice that your tasks take less and less time