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How to beat sleepy morning apathy in 10 minutes
How to beat sleepy morning apathy in 10 minutes

Don't want to be a sleepy fly in the morning? And you don't need to! A few simple steps will provide the desired vigor even for one hundred percent owls.

How to beat sleepy morning apathy in 10 minutes
How to beat sleepy morning apathy in 10 minutes

If you usually find it difficult to wake up and part with your pillow, here's a practical guide for 10-15 minutes.

1. Yawning and stretching

The first morning ritual to do without getting out of bed is to yawn wide and stretch well. When yawning, the mouth and throat open, and the deep inhalation that occurs during this process can bring air to the stomach. The blood is enriched with oxygen, the muscles of the neck and face are strained, as a result of which blood circulation and brain function are activated.

Thus, yawning will help you cheer up. If in the morning you are not tempted to yawn, imagine a person doing it with a characteristic look and sound, or just open your mouth wider to simulate yawning. 60% of people are quickly "infected" by yawning, so you will most likely succeed.


By the way, some Japanese companies even practice “yawning minutes” in their offices: they turn on the corresponding images or videos on the monitor, so that employees collectively yawn, saturating the brain with oxygen, and then work more productively.

After you have yawned sweetly a couple of times, you should stretch yourself no less diligently. During sleep, your body is in a static position, and muscles become numb. Stretching also tightens many areas of the body at the same time, which helps tone and improve circulation. Half a minute is just enough to stretch well, stretching and tensing alternately the muscles of the arms and legs. Among other things, it is very pleasant.

2. Breathing deeper

Before getting up, you can do a short breathing exercise, which will further saturate the body with oxygen. Do you know that there are different types of breathing? Superficial, when only the upper part of the lungs is involved in the process, and deep, diaphragmatic, when a person “breathes with his stomach”.

Lying on your back, start filling your lungs with air. First, the belly is filled, while it should inflate (you can put your hand on it to feel the air coming). Then the space in the region of the lower ribs expands, after which the entire chest is filled with air.

Then there is an exhalation: successively release the air from the lungs, completely, so that the stomach is pulled in at the end, as if "sticking" to the spine.

From my own experience, I was convinced that this is a really effective exercise, and if you try it once, then you will do it every morning. When you inhale in this way, it seems that your eyes open on their own, and you don't want to sleep so much. At the very least, it will keep you awake the next time you exercise.

3. Thinking about the pleasant

They say that it is better not to jump out of bed abruptly, but to get up from it gradually, so that there is no stress for the body, which is rapidly moving from a "lying" position to a "run to work" position. Before you get up, sit on your bed and take a minute to think about something pleasant.

It is known that the mood for the day tends to affect how it goes. Let's say you made your to-do list yesterday, so this minute just think about something positive: today you are embarking on an interesting project, it's sunny outside, it will be nice to go to work with a player, it has just new music, you have there will be a cool breakfast or maybe a fun party with friends planned for the evening.

Something good happens every day, so think about it right in the morning. In the absence of suitable plans, mentally plan some kind of pleasure, up to "watching the new episode of your favorite TV series with a bucket of popcorn."

This can be difficult, especially if you are not used to positive thinking. Nothing concrete comes to mind? There is a way out for such situations: just smile.

4. Minute Exercise

If you agree to do a longer charge - please, it will only get better. But if you have no time or no desire to work out in the morning, do at least a small complex: 15 seconds of squats and push-ups, 15 jumps and a small stretch. Exercise increases the heartbeat, accelerates the blood, so you feel much more alert.

Even the most unsportsmanlike person can force himself to work out for one minute, especially since in the morning willpower has not yet been spent on small unloved activities.

Research No Excuses: Even 1-Minute Workouts Benefit Health by scientists from the University of Utah have shown that intense physical activity for a minute during the day is almost as effective as the recommended 10-minute moderate exercise for health. Scientists came to this conclusion after studying the habits of more than 4, 5 thousand people.

So your one-minute morning workout will be very beneficial and will certainly help you wake up. And later, during the day, you can, if you wish, catch up with the rest of the norm of physical activity: for example, quickly walking to work, walking up to the 10th floor on foot or cycling in the evening.

5. A glass of water

Drink a glass of plain lukewarm water before heading out for your regular water treatments. Water helps to start the process of digestion, "wakes up" your stomach. By the time you sit down to breakfast, the body will be ready to eat and have an appetite that many people lack in the morning (especially owls).

6. Contrast shower

Surely you have thought many times to start the day with a contrast shower, but put it off all the time. Reading about all the benefits of such a procedure, in particular about improving metabolism and blood circulation, strengthening blood vessels, cleansing and general strengthening of the body, it is difficult to remain indifferent.

Morning is the time for a contrast shower, because after it it is very difficult to remain "boiled".

First, turn on warm water, then slightly increase the temperature, after that, lower it. The body should be under hot water longer than under cold water, and if you do everything correctly, at the end of the procedure you will feel vigor, not chills.

These six points can be made a daily rule, and then your morning sleepiness simply won't stand a chance.
