How not to burn out at work and in life
How not to burn out at work and in life

We see such a picture all the time: while a person is young, he radiates optimism, self-confidence and a desire to change the world. But a certain period of time passes, and we see before us a mortally tired, dissatisfied, passive person who only dreams of ending the working day faster. The man burned out!

How not to burn out at work and in life
How not to burn out at work and in life

On the other hand, there are sometimes exceptions, when a person, even in old age, infects everyone with his energy, generates new ideas and plans. Why is it possible for one and inaccessible for the majority? The answer is burnout.

If you approach the issue superficially, then the solution to this problem lies on the surface - you just need to get tired less and take breaks from work. However, not all so simple.

What is burnout and what are its causes?

Burnout isn't just an emotional issue. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines burnout as:

Depletion of physical or emotional strength and motivation, usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration.

Robert 'Writer, Burnout usually occurs for one of two reasons:

  • Lack of rest for recovery (overwork).
  • Lack of motivation and reward.

The holiday has acquired a bad reputation in recent years. “Work, work day and night, you will rest in the next world” - they tell us from all sides. However, work and play are two complementary aspects of the same cycle that reinforce each other. We know this intuitively, which is why we love getting a good night's sleep after a full day of productive work and we love going to work when we feel refreshed and rested.

When this cycle works correctly, we feel a positive impulse, and when not, then we experience devastation.

Burnout can also occur in the following situations:

  • … the work we do is not in line with our skills and interests.
  • … we are not interested in this particular task and force ourselves to do it too often.
  • … In our work environment there is an atmosphere of fear and coercion.
  • … We have too many emergencies both at work and at home.
  • … we or someone in the family is sick.

When we feel good, we can handle some of the turbulence in our lives. When the black streak lasts too long, it starts to weaken us. Life doesn't have to be a constant emergency.

How to evaluate the possibility of burnout in your life

To assess the possibility of this phenomenon appearing in your life and work, evaluate the various aspects of your life, listed below and directly related to the appearance of emotional fatigue and discontent. Honest answers to yourself will help you identify the most potentially dangerous factors.

Consider your physical condition:

  • You are strong and have physical reserves that allow you to withstand even long-term stressful situations.
  • Your resistance to negative phenomena is not very high, you must be careful and prefer to avoid overloading.
  • You get tired easily.
  • You are sick or too painful.

Consider the situation at work:

  • Are you appreciated?
  • Are you doing the job you love?
  • Do you have the skills you need to be successful?
  • Do you work with people who are pleasant to you?
  • Is the organization well managed?
  • Do you have overtime work?
  • Are you satisfied with the reward? Is the payment worth it?
Jennifer Tweedie /
Jennifer Tweedie /

Consider your relationship:

  • Let's start with the family. Do you feel warmth, love and support from your family, or are you generally disappointed and unhappy in your family?
  • Do you have close friends?
  • Are you part of a community or interest group?
  • Are you satisfied with your social life?
  • Do you have a good working relationship?

The answers to the questions posed will not make an accurate diagnosis of your life, but will allow you to think and evaluate those "bottlenecks" and conflict zones, because of which you may feel premature fatigue from life and work. A timely noticed and realized problem is the first step in finding a solution.

Burnout Prevention

There are many ways to keep your work from becoming a slave service and your life from a boring routine:

  1. Strengthening the body first. Renew your energy with a good night's rest, exercise, plenty of fluids and healthy food. Cleanse your body of toxins with special treatments, as toxins can build up over time and cause weakness.
  2. Learn to meditate to relieve stress and restore mental balance. Meditation works wonders.
  3. Make a list of all the tasks you are want to work, and prioritize them.
  4. Search the Internet for information about the problems you need to solve. As a rule, someone somewhere has already encountered them and successfully decided, use their experience. Don't be afraid to tackle big questions like career choices and family problems.
  5. Don't be afraid to give up tasks that burden you too much. Your other commitments will benefit from the time and attention that is freed up for them.
  6. Improving your skills and work skills will increase your value as an employee and more easily handle tasks.
  7. For tasks you hate, you have several options: delete them if it doesn't really matter; break them into smaller component parts so that their implementation does not drag on for so long; delegate them or exchange your unwanted tasks for others.
  8. Determine what is most important to you, devote more time to such tasks and, therefore, have more pleasure in completing them.
  9. Treat burnout as a really dangerous phenomenon, which, however, can be avoided by careful attention to the quality of your life.

Recognize the need for change and make a clear plan for making it happen. Say no to those who pull you back - you don't have to keep the whole world on your shoulders.

Every person's life is unique and inimitable, and everyone deserves to enjoy it.

If you become active, flexible, remembering not only about your obligations, but also about your intention to be happy, then no amount of burnout is dangerous for you.
