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9 Simple, Powerful Tips to Improve Your Productivity
9 Simple, Powerful Tips to Improve Your Productivity

Most likely, you have already heard these tips, but remembering them again will not be superfluous. They will help optimize life in all areas.

9 Simple, Powerful Tips to Improve Your Productivity
9 Simple, Powerful Tips to Improve Your Productivity

1. Don't stretch out meetings

Invite no more than five people and do not stretch out meetings for more than 30 minutes. So everyone will be able to speak, but since there is little time, people will not be distracted. By the end of the meeting, further steps or tasks must be thought out, otherwise it will not differ much from conversations in the kitchen.

2. Make To-Do Lists Correctly

To-do lists are very useful if there is a deadline for each item. Otherwise, it's just an endless list of things to do someday.

3. Set aside some time on social media

Turn off all notifications and set aside a well-defined time when you go to social networks. If you don't, you will find yourself in a vicious circle of notifications and dopamine releases.

4. Do not try to build a new one on a destroyed foundation

When some system doesn't work, try to fix the errors or start over. It doesn't matter what we're talking about: the application being developed or your approach to training.

5. Start with the hardest

Don't put off the hard part for later, do it right away. It will then make it much easier to get through the rest of the day or deal with the rest of the work. This same approach will help you overcome procrastination.

6. Get enough sleep

By sacrificing sleep, you will not get anywhere near your goal. If you need 8 hours of sleep and you only slept 6 hours, you will not be more productive during the day. You may have added 2 hours to the working day, but you have taken away much more from the quality of the work. And they also hurt my health.

7. Don't waste a lot of time on small things

Sometimes we get so bogged down in small matters that we forget about the tasks that are really important and do not notice how time passes. To avoid this, make a specific to-do list.

8. Reduce your chatting time

Usually people ask one question, then send messages with additional ones, and the correspondence is very stretched. In your letter, try to answer in advance any questions the other person might have. Keep it short and to the point.

9. Make Good Practices Habits

This will save you a huge amount of energy and nerves. The key to developing habits is repetition and discipline. If you repeat an action many times, then you will start performing it on autopilot.

For example, try some healthy habits:

  • Do sports for 45 minutes every other day. It is beneficial not only for the body but also for the mind.
  • At the end of the day, write down your thoughts and feelings. You will get rid of the anxiety accumulated during the day, structure your thoughts and, possibly, find some new ideas.
  • Read something new every week on three topics from your interests or professional area. Gradually, you will expand your knowledge and views.
