Table of contents:

How to renovate an apartment and not disturb anything
How to renovate an apartment and not disturb anything

You can still transport the tile packaging in the passenger lift. But to put a closet in the entrance for centuries is not worth it.

How to renovate an apartment and not disturb anything
How to renovate an apartment and not disturb anything

Loud works - only at permitted times

Most people assume that sounds of any volume can be made during the day. They just say: "Until 11 pm I do what I want." This is not entirely true, not only from the point of view of the unspoken rules of the community, but also according to the requirements of the law. Which, by the way, are their own in each region. Therefore, it is in the local normative act that it is necessary to find out when it is allowed to build or repair something noisily. For this, separate hours are usually allocated.

For example, in Moscow, high-profile repairs are prohibited from 19:00 to 9:00 and from 13:00 to 15:00, as well as on Sundays and public holidays. In new buildings, within a year and a half after putting the house into operation, the time of silence is reduced. Repairs can be done from 7:00 to 23:00 without breaks and weekends.

Already in the Moscow region, everything is a little different. In the first six months after the delivery of the house, repairs can be done on weekdays from 8:00 to 21:00 with a break from 13:00 to 15:00, on weekends - from 10:00 to 22:00 with a similar pause. In older houses, loud repairs are allowed from 9:00 on weekdays and from 10:00 on weekends, but until 22:00. In this case, a break is also required.

Therefore, it is better to clarify in advance when it is allowed to make noise in your area, and plan all loud works in accordance with the law.

Everything can be transported in the elevator, but according to the rules

It would seem that if there is a lift in the house, then it is logical to use it to transport cargo. But often the elevator operator or vigilant neighbors forbid it. They say there is a freight elevator for weights. But even that management company can turn it off for the duration of repairs - suddenly you lift something in it and it breaks.

This, of course, is an amateur performance, which is confirmed by judicial practice. "Not a single regulatory legal act provides for a ban on the transportation of goods in passenger elevators," says the decision of the Kuznetsk District Court of the Penza Region. It was made several years ago, but nothing has changed much since then.

The installation of an elevator in a residential building involves its use for the needs of the owner of the premises, that is, not only directly for the transportation of passengers, but also for goods carried by passengers.

From the court decision

In addition, elevators are common property. They do not belong to the management company, not to the chairman of the HOA, but to all tenants. And everyone should have equal access. But, of course, you must follow the rules for using the elevator. That is, do not carry loads heavier than you can in it, do not get it dirty or clean up dirt and, in general, behave decently. And also you should be ready to be responsible if you broke the rules and broke something.

The entrance can be used, but not littered

Stairways and landings, the area of the yard in front of the front door - all this is also common property that you and your neighbors can use. So if there is a technical possibility, a car with materials is not prohibited from driving as close as possible. And its contents are allowed to be carried up the stairs and temporarily folded on the site. At the same time, construction waste is sent along the opposite route - and also legally.

But if you leave something oversized in the entrance, this may already violate fire safety requirements. In the event of a fire, your belongings will interfere with the evacuation. Another bad idea is to use the attic as a warehouse. You may be asked to remove your good and even be fined.

Construction waste cannot be disposed of in a regular container

During the repair process, different types of debris can be generated. Perhaps you are throwing away old furniture, household appliances, or some bulky rubbish. You cannot throw it into a regular container. This can damage the trash can itself, and the garbage truck will not cope with lifting it.

Therefore, the waste disposal operator must set up a bulky waste area or install a special hopper, which is usually similar to the body of a dump truck. And here you can already throw out your idle washing machine and polished dining table.

Renovation in the apartment: a special bin for rubbish
Renovation in the apartment: a special bin for rubbish

With construction waste, everything is a little more difficult. There are so-called waste from maintenance. This includes waste linoleum, frames, door frames and the like. All this is allowed to be thrown in the same place as other bulky waste.

But there is also a major overhaul, implying the replacement of walls, communications and other global work. And a piece of the load-bearing partition can no longer be thrown into any of the containers. The regional operator is not responsible for the removal of such waste. Therefore, it is assumed that you will hire movers, a car and, at your own expense, take the waste to the landfill. Otherwise, the fine is from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles.

Part of the repair can be transferred to the management organization

Pipes and other communications are considered common property even after they enter your apartment - up to the first valve (including the valve!). The balcony slab belongs to it, although only you use it. So, if it cracked, and the pipe is rusted and is about to leak, you can confuse the management company with this, and not start repairs yourself.

It is better to agree on redevelopment in advance

You can re-glue the wallpaper and remake the linoleum at your pleasure. If the house is not an object of cultural heritage, it is usually also allowed to change windows, glass balconies - do anything that does not threaten the strength of the building.

But for more serious restructuring, the state monitors and punishes those who break down walls without permission - up to and including eviction. So, first you need to agree on everything with the authorities, and then start work.

A written contract with the repair team will make life easier in case of problems

It seems that contracts are something for legal entities. But it is more correct to formalize relations on paper in most cases. Of course, you can always agree in words. The contractor will promise to do the job “in the best possible way”. You are to pay. And if all goes well, you both will keep your promises.

A contract will be needed if things don't go according to plan.

Verbal agreements are bad because they are difficult to rely on. You will argue one thing, the opponent another. If the case goes to court, then there will be his word against yours. The papers clearly state what, who and when should do it. True, all this must be pre-registered:

  • Terms of work and penalties for non-compliance. So the brigade will have a clear understanding of which schedule to move in. And the repairmen will not leave in the middle for a more profitable object, expecting that you will wait, because this will entail costs.
  • Payment amount. It happens that in the process of repair, the initially named numbers increase. To prevent this from happening, it is better to fix the amount in the contract. Then it will be difficult to raise it for no reason. Naturally, not all costs can be calculated in advance. Some works can be evaluated more flexibly in the contract, for example, “depending on the state of structures after dismantling”. This will make money matters clearer anyway.
  • Compensation for unsatisfactory results. If everything does not go as agreed, for example, the plaster turns out to be uneven, and the tiles are laid upside down, then you have the right to demand that everything be redone or give money to eliminate the shortcomings. More precisely, you have the right even without a contract. Finding out who is to blame is more difficult only without him.

To consolidate the relationship, you can draw up a contract for the provision of services or contracts. Explore the nuances and choose what suits you best.
