Hackr - a service with hundreds of courses in various programming languages
Hackr - a service with hundreds of courses in various programming languages

Hackr is a service that combines many courses in various programming languages. The best courses, for which the largest number of users voted, are at the top of the list, which allows you to quickly navigate in their variety.

Hackr - a service with hundreds of courses in various programming languages
Hackr - a service with hundreds of courses in various programming languages

I love online courses. Earlier I already talked about why the future of our education belongs to them. However, there are more and more of them, and it is more and more difficult to decide which course is worth taking and which is not. Hackr is a service that sorts hundreds of courses by programming language based on how many people find them helpful.

The main page of the service shows a list of all languages for which there are courses in the Hackr database. I'm not a programmer, but it seemed to me that there is any of the languages that are popular now.

List of languages for which there are courses
List of languages for which there are courses

Dozens of courses are available for each language, links and descriptions to which are downloaded by users themselves. You don't need to earn a reputation or achieve status for a long time - you can download an interesting course right away, and if it is really good, then it will be voted for and it will move up.

Depending on how many users have voted for the course, the place it occupies in the list is determined.

Sorting courses
Sorting courses

By its concept, Hackr resembles - a service on which various services and applications are selected and sorted by popularity. I think programmers looking for new knowledge will find Hackr useful.

If you know such services, share them in the comments.
