How to protect yourself: methods of special services
How to protect yourself: methods of special services

Danger may lie in wait for us anywhere. But the good news is that by mastering the skills of self-defense, we significantly increase our chances of getting out of difficult situations without loss. Konstantin Smygin, the creator of the project, shares useful ideas from the book "Protect Yourself Using the Methods of Special Services" with the readers of Lifehacker.

How to protect yourself: methods of special services
How to protect yourself: methods of special services

Usually people underestimate the environment. They are not prepared for dangers and do not know how to behave when something goes wrong. This makes them easy victims of criminals and emergencies.

The book's author, former CIA agent Jason Hanson, is convinced that if people were more attentive and prepared, they could avoid most of the problems. It is in the constant assessment of the situation and in the knowledge of how to properly respond to threats that health and safety are guaranteed.

How to act correctly? Despite the fact that the book "Protect Yourself Using the Methods of the Special Services" is primarily a practical guide, it contains several key ideas that are important for everyone to know.

Learn to survive

Survival logic is what helps us find a way out of the most difficult and dangerous situations. It is an inner confidence based on the ability to put your knowledge into practice.

In a fire, people often die not from fire, but because of smoke. It is the logic of survival that helps us know ahead of time about emergency exits and what to do in an emergency. It makes us move in the right direction, and not sit still. It helps to be guided by reason, and not to pretend to be a hero, proving to someone his “coolness”.

Remember the importance of situational awareness

Without situational awareness, no amount of training and skill will help. Situational awareness is the correct understanding of whatever situation you are in. If you are inattentive to your surroundings, if you are walking, buried in your smartphone or immersed in your thoughts, if you are absorbed in conversation and do not notice anything around you, then you are very vulnerable.

Jason Hanson says that the inmates were shown photographs of different people and asked whom they would choose as a victim. And the criminals pointed to people with lowered shoulders and heads: they looked inattentive and insecure.

A very important idea of the book: often we ourselves create the conditions for an attack, becoming an ideal target for a criminal.

Of course, the point is not to constantly look around nervously. You can talk to someone, but you must not let your guard down. Then you may be able to spot something strange or potentially dangerous.

Advice. Evaluate yourself from the outside: is there something that can make you an easy target for a criminal? If so, consider how you can increase your situational awareness and stop looking like a victim.

Give up the normality mindset

How to protect yourself: let go of the normality mindset
How to protect yourself: let go of the normality mindset

The normality mindset is a natural setting for most people. It is the assurance that no unexpected change will occur. Basically, this is a defensive reaction to disasters: we need to present the situation in a normal light in order to maintain our mental health.

But the problem is that this feature of ours fails when you need to properly respond to an emergency. Therefore, people do not immediately leave buildings after a fire alarm. They may even joke and behave extremely improperly. Most of us tend to think that if nothing extraordinary happened before, then nothing will happen in the future.

Advice. In emergencies, do everything in your power to stay away from the source of danger, even if other people do not attach importance to the alarms.

Learn to recognize people with ill intentions

Potential danger signs:

  1. You notice someone's gaze. The correct action on your part is to do everything so as not to be left alone with this person.
  2. The stranger adjusts to your walking pace. As the author notes, it is unusual for strangers to walk at the same speed. The same applies to the movement of vehicles on the road. The correct action on your part is to change direction, go into a crowded place.
  3. They are trying to distract you. Criminals often work in pairs: one distracts, for example, asks or offers something, while the other prepares to commit a crime. The correct action on your part is to be extremely careful when someone calls you. It is better to expect a trick and be wrong than not to expect and become a victim.
  4. Remember that people commit crimes because they have the conditions to do so. Therefore, one of the key tasks is simply not to create such conditions.

Notice abnormalities

Wherever you are, you need to clearly understand what is normal for this place and the people around you. Then you will easily notice even the smallest deviations from the norm, and this will help you to act correctly.

It is known that before the devastating tsunami in 2004, the water in the ocean quickly receded, exposing the seabed. Many people did not understand that this was a dangerous signal, and began to collect shells and fish from the bottom, subsequently becoming the first victims of the disaster. If they had noticed the abnormality of the rapid ebb tide at this time, they might have been able to escape.

Advice. If you notice any changes in the picture you are used to, then you should be wary. If you are going on a trip to an unfamiliar place, gather as much information as possible about it and how to behave there correctly.

Keep your self-defense equipment with you

Unfortunately, we can find ourselves in a dangerous situation at any second. However, having the tools you have with you will increase the chances of a successful outcome for you.

Jason Hanson talks about what he always carries with him in his bag, and his list is quite impressive.

It includes (and that's not all):

  • penknife;
  • invisible hairpins: in the book the author tells how to open the handcuffs with them and start the car;
  • keychain for keys "Monkey Fist" in the form of a ball of paracord;
  • a tactical handle in a heavy-duty case, which is suitable as a means of self-defense: it can even break a car window with it;
  • credit card knife;
  • bulletproof laptop panel;
  • waterproof cape;
  • dressing material "Quicklot", impregnated with hemostatic composition;
  • Lantern;
  • multitool - a portable multifunctional tool;
  • source of fire;
  • reinforced tape.

In Jason Hanson's car, you can find:

  • first aid kit;
  • tow rope;
  • axe;
  • shovel;
  • clockwork radio;
  • mount;
  • knife;
  • emergency supply of food and water;
  • water purification tablets;
  • signal whistle;
  • waterproof matches.

Of course, it is not always possible to have such an arsenal with you. The main thing is that you have the means of protection and they can be easily used if necessary.

Even during the abduction, a lot is in your hands

Jason Hanson says that the first day after the abduction is the most important time, primarily because the victim still has physical and mental strength. Therefore, everything must be done to get out at this time.

If they are trying to drag you somewhere, you need to shout and fight back with all your might. But if it was not possible to fight back, the author advises to show the kidnapper that you have resigned to your fate, but not internally to give up and look for gaps in the security system.

If you are being held in the car, try to knock out the window with your feet. But remember that it is useless to hit the center of the glass, you need to hit the corner where the glass is weakest.

If the perpetrator grabs your arms and pulls you towards him, the natural reaction is to pull back. But the author, on the contrary, advises to approach and sharply hit the attacker in the face with the elbow of his hand, for which he grabbed, and then sharply throw the elbow forward and up in order to weaken the grip and break free. You can also hit in the eyes, throat, groin, shin.

Advice. Even if your hands are tied, you can free yourself. The main thing is to know how. You can find a video on YouTube where everything is shown.

You can better protect your home

How to protect yourself and your home
How to protect yourself and your home

The first step is to install a good door and lock. It makes sense to put a camera or false camera. They usually scare off thieves. It is better to store valuables not in the bedroom, but in more original places: in a reliable safe that cannot be taken away with you, or in a hiding place.

Never open up to strangers, and if they say they represent some kind of service, call this service and ask if they sent their employee to you.

However, do not ignore the doorbell ringing even if you are not expecting anyone. An offender may decide that the house is empty and break into it, and this is fraught with serious danger for you.

Often, criminals mark homes that interest them with duct tape or other signs. Be wary if you notice something like this.

Advice. Have protective equipment and a clear plan of action in case an intruder enters your home. In a critical situation, it will be too late to rush.

You can avoid being chased

First of all, do not constantly walk the same routes at the same time.

How can you tell if you are being followed? If someone is walking too close to you and at the same pace as you, if you regularly see someone in the places where you are, you should be wary. Also, listen to your intuition.

If you spot surveillance, stop and turn around. This will show that you have guessed the intentions of the stalker. The author emphasizes that the perpetrator needs helpless victims who do not expect an attack. If you show your awareness, the offender's interest in you will diminish.

Advice. Try to look confident: do not slouch, do not lower your head. Stay in crowded places.

Don't be a good Samaritan

Criminals can use social engineering techniques against you, that is, they try to manipulate and force you to do something that is contrary to your interests. Scammers set traps by targeting our weaknesses and exploiting the automatism of our reactions. For example, they might do something for you, knowing that people are primarily trying to respond with service to service. By influencing the sense of duty, they force us to give what they need.

Advice. Be wary of any unsolicited gifts or offers of help. Remember, you don't have to please anyone.

Learn to recognize lies

How to protect yourself: learn to recognize lies
How to protect yourself: learn to recognize lies

The author talks about certain signals that help to recognize a lie. These are atypical movements, sighs, coughing, barely noticeable shaking of the head before answering, twitching of the leg, or, conversely, a complete lack of movement.

It takes time for your brain to come up with a lie, so the person cheating on you is likely to take some time to answer. An overly emotional reaction to the question may indicate that they are lying to you. The person replies something like “How could you think that?”, Hoping that the questioner will get scared and stop asking uncomfortable questions. Be wary also if, instead of a specific answer to a question, you hear a story about kindness and religiosity.

Many people think that a person is lying if he does not look in the eyes. But, as the author explains, liars often deliberately imitate a sincere and direct look. And yet, if you ask a guilty and unconscious person how he would punish someone for such an offense, he will come up with a too lenient punishment.

Advice. These signs do not always indicate a lie, but if they are atypical for a person and if you notice several signals at once, you should be wary.

Final comments

Jason Hanson's book does not claim to be a masterpiece. The main thing in it is not artistic merit, but information about how important it is to be prudent, and that our safety is largely in our hands.

Some critics of the book accuse the author of an overly paranoid approach. Unfortunately, however, the world is such that we cannot feel safe anywhere. We need to get ourselves out of our usual half-asleep state in order to be ready to recognize the threat in time. Who knows how many tragedies could have been avoided if people had not forgotten at least the elementary rules.

The book is written in simple language and contains many valuable tips for dealing with emergencies. This is not a book that you will read for pleasure, but the knowledge that it will provide will help you avoid many dangers.
