Do Not Disturb - a comprehensive extension for a comfortable and safe surf
Do Not Disturb - a comprehensive extension for a comfortable and safe surf
Do Not Disturb - a comprehensive extension for a comfortable and safe surf
Do Not Disturb - a comprehensive extension for a comfortable and safe surf

Browsing the modern Internet is not always safe, and often just unpleasant. Everywhere there are advertisements, banners, sudden pop-ups and many more dangerous and just annoyingly distracting things.

The problem with advertising is quite successfully solved by AdBlock - it is so popular that you don't need to talk about it at all.

AdBlock is cool, but, unfortunately, highly specialized. Earlier, we have already talked about another coolest extension for Chrome called, whose task is to protect the user from tracking (including social) services.

Taken together, these two extensions + a few more minor utilities form such a must-have gentleman's set for any user interested in a more comfortable surfing.

Today we invite you to add another extension to your set called - this is a universal harvester that tries to protect the user from all types of threats and unpleasant contemplation of things that can be found on site pages (content widgets, data collectors and other villains).

Do Not Disturb does not interfere with its presence at all - all the work takes place in the background. To add certain sites to the white list, just click on the extension menu and disable the extension on the current page.

Screenshot 2014-04-18 10.59.00
Screenshot 2014-04-18 10.59.00

The same can be done in the extension's settings by manually adding all trusted sites to the whitelist.

Screenshot 2014-04-18 11.00.51
Screenshot 2014-04-18 11.00.51

It must be remembered that by default Chrome does not allow extensions to work in incognito mode, so go to the Chrome menu -> Tools -> Extensions and allow critical extensions to work in incognito.
