Workout of the Day: A pleasant warm-up for strength and flexibility
Workout of the Day: A pleasant warm-up for strength and flexibility

Give this complex just 8 minutes, and the body will thank you.

Workout of the Day: A pleasant warm-up for strength and flexibility
Workout of the Day: A pleasant warm-up for strength and flexibility

In 7-8 minutes you will have time to work on the mobility of the hips and shoulders, relieve the back muscles and slightly improve the mobility of the thoracic spine - a problem area for many modern people.

You can use this complex as a morning exercise, do it in between workouts, or make part of your pre-workout warm-up. In any case, these exercises will help warm up the body, increase the range of motion and give you a great mood.

Perform the following movements:

  1. Deep lunge torso twist - 10 reps in each direction.
  2. Turning Calf Raises - 6 reps in each direction.
  3. Turns of the body, sitting on the heels, 5 times in each direction.
  4. Dolphin swing - 10 reps
  5. "Scorpio" - 6 times in each direction.

Don't try to overcome your range with strong and harsh movements - work calmly and with concentration, have fun.
