Workout of the Day: 7 Exercises for Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility
Workout of the Day: 7 Exercises for Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility

A thoughtful complex for the harmonious development of the body.

Workout of the Day: 7 Exercises for Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility
Workout of the Day: 7 Exercises for Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility

Interval training will accelerate the heart rate, properly load the entire body and pump the mobility of the back, shoulders and hips. Do each exercise for 30 seconds and rest the rest of the minute. If you do not have enough load, after completing the circle, you can repeat it again.

There is a timer for work and rest in the video below. During rest, they show how to do the next exercise.

The workout includes seven exercises.

  1. Push-ups "cobra". In a lying position, bend your elbows and lower yourself to the lower push-up point, then push the body up and straighten your elbows, stretching the spine. After that, lower yourself into push-ups again and return to the lying position. If this is difficult, do not return to the starting position through push-ups - just push the pelvis back and go to the support position.
  2. Backward lunge with a jump. Do 30 seconds for each leg. During the jump, along with the extension of the knee forward, swing the opposite hand. To make the movement easier, take away the jump and simply bring your knee forward after the lunge.
  3. Plank penetration with touching the feet. The wider you put your feet, the easier the movement will be.
  4. Raising the pelvis on one leg. If you cannot perform a movement on one leg, do on two. Raise and lower your pelvis without lifting your feet off the ground.
  5. Squat jump. Sink as deep as you can, while you manage to maintain the correct shape - a neutral lumbar position and heels pressed to the floor.
  6. Crab gait. Move the opposite arm and leg at the same time. If there is no room for walking, do it in place: at the same time lift your arm and leg off the floor and put it back.
  7. Jumping. Make two small jumps, and on the third, push off the ground harder and jump as high as possible, bending your knees.
