Workout of the Day: 5 Super Movements with Fitness Elastic Band for Balance, Strength and Agility
Workout of the Day: 5 Super Movements with Fitness Elastic Band for Balance, Strength and Agility

These little resistance bands are not only suitable for pumping up the priests.

Workout of the Day: 5 Super Movements with Fitness Elastic Band for Balance, Strength and Agility
Workout of the Day: 5 Super Movements with Fitness Elastic Band for Balance, Strength and Agility

Mini resistance bands are often thought of as an attribute of fitness babies, the only use of which is to complicate squats. But in fact, a short elastic band increases the load in many strength exercises and, what is especially cool, helps to pump back muscles without a barbell, dumbbells and a horizontal bar.

The video below shows five strength exercises for pumping the hips and buttocks, abs, chest and arms. Due to the elastic band, in almost all movements you also get a good load on the biceps and back muscles.

You can add the exercises you like to your program or do them all in a circular interval training format. In the latter option, do each for 30-40 seconds, rest until the end of the minute and move on to the next.

At the end of the circle, rest for 1–2 minutes and start over. Complete 3-5 laps.

Exercises include:

  • One-legged lunge and bent-over row of the expander.
  • Push-ups with the extension of the leg and the traction of the expander to the shoulder.
  • Lifting the body to the press and pulling the expander to the chest.
  • Squat jumps with expander deadlift.
  • "Bicycle" with an expander on the legs.
