3 secrets of perfect self-discipline
3 secrets of perfect self-discipline

Self-discipline is a skill that can be trained. How to train your ability to self-control and not give up after failures, we tell in this article.

3 secrets of perfect self-discipline
3 secrets of perfect self-discipline

Big goals require self-discipline and willpower. No matter how strictly you planned your future and are confident in the correctness of the planned scheme of actions, there is always a place for the human factor. We are emotional beings, and a random event can weaken our spirit, throwing it back into a world of doubt and anxiety.

Force majeure is not the only reason for us to give up. On the way to success, we have to go through certain tests. Extreme circumstances force our nature to manifest in different ways - be prepared to learn a lot about yourself. Perhaps you are not as emotionally stable as you thought, or your confidence easily sways under the weight of difficulties.

Self-discipline as the key to success
Self-discipline as the key to success

This is all normal. We are not machines, and exposure to feelings, fears and doubts fits perfectly into the framework of healthy human behavior. You need to be persistent on the way to your goal, because without this quality we would all be marking time in one place, giving up after the very first failure. Of course, it is a pity that our body does not obey the commands of the mind unquestioningly, like a robot. But this is precisely why there is self-discipline, the courage to continue moving forward and the ability to ignore negative emotions along the way.

Self-control is like weightlifting. The more you train, the more you can. Trying less - you turn into a weak-willed rag.

Each of us initially has our own level of self-discipline. Even the weakest person can lift a certain weight. A capricious child is able to follow the simplest rules. Yes, everyone has different abilities for self-control, but they always have. Moreover, they can be trained, improved and honed.

Mindfulness is the key

Self-control is the same as with weightlifting: the only way to improve your own skills is through constant progressive loads. It is necessary to assess the level of self-discipline at the moment and, moving from this starting point, gradually complicate the tasks every day.

The easiest way to do this is to set yourself goals that are clear to yourself for each day. The secret is that they are both doable and require extreme effort on your part. The task is to step out of your comfort zone a little every day, balancing on the brink of your own capabilities.

If you were practicing lifting weights, you would not rush to drag a huge boulder on your first day of class. But they wouldn't move the toy dumbbells either. Tackle the problems that can only be solved with the best effort.

When you manage to achieve your goal, which is on the verge of possibilities, this event is transformed into a baggage of conscious pleasant emotions: euphoria from victory and satisfaction. But as soon as you set yourself tasks that are far from reality, the frustration and chagrin of failure will wipe out all the efforts expended. Do not discourage yourself - take on the feasible, gradually increasing the load every day.

Persistence will bring success

Perseverance "feeds" on the results of work. The more and more often we realize our own success after achieving this or that goal, the more persistent we become. Accordingly, the willingness to invest energy and desire for a new task only grows.

Every action, even one that ended in failure, brings a result. Partly negative, partly positive.

You need to learn how to benefit from everything you do by gaining valuable experience.

Next time you set a new goal, do this. Write on a piece of paper what you have learned from your last failure to today. Notice whatever comes to mind. Now review the resulting list. What would you change if you could start over? Now move towards a new goal, correcting past mistakes.

And who are the judges?

Nobody wakes up famous. Success comes after long, hard and painstaking work. Of course, it is very easy to lose motivation and positive attitude along the way.

Measure your own success
Measure your own success

The best way to move towards your goal is to constantly evaluate your intermediate results in relation to it. If you do this every day, you will soon realize: yes, the dream is still far away, but at least you are today better than yesterday.

Write down everything, even the smallest successes. What seems insignificant to you today will be one of the most important steps towards your goal. You are the only judge who can judge your own efforts. Be objective and compare today with yesterday, not with an abstract “bright future”.
