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Why contact a beautician
Why contact a beautician

One consultation is enough to understand how to properly care for your skin.

Why contact a beautician
Why contact a beautician

Cosmetology is a large branch of medicine that develops means and methods for improving a person's appearance. Modern cosmetology can improve not only the quality and appearance of the skin, but also slow down the aging process, make the skin more elastic and radiant, lighten age spots, correct wrinkles and even stop hair loss, change the shape of the face - this is practically an alternative to plastic surgery.

Also, cosmetology successfully helps in the fight against local fat deposits, cellulite, stretch marks. A variety of injection methods and the rapid development of hardware cosmetology can really transform a person.

Hardware cosmetology is procedures that improve the appearance, which are carried out with the help of special equipment. Many devices are advanced physiotherapy devices, others are specially designed for cosmetic purposes. As an example: during a radiofrequency lifting procedure, the middle layer of the skin is heated by radiofrequency waves, which stimulates collagen synthesis and produces a rejuvenating effect. A cryolipolysis apparatus is also used - this is the latest method for correcting local fatty deposits and manifestations of cellulite, in which the fat cells themselves are destroyed.

Who is a beautician

A cosmetologist is a specialist with a secondary or higher medical education. Various certificates do not mean high qualifications, because most of them are issued at short seminars during the presentation of new drugs and other things.

Specialists without medical education are cosmetic aesthetists (not cosmetologists!). They can provide only those services that relate to household services: grooming procedures, massage (not therapeutic), eyebrow correction and coloring, depilation.

Cosmetologists with a secondary medical education can carry out injection procedures as prescribed by a doctor: mesotherapy (introduction of meso-cocktails - vitamins, trace elements, amino acids into the skin) and biorevitalization (the necessary preparations are also introduced into the skin, only in a more concentrated form, which ensures a long-lasting effect).

In addition to a diploma of education, when choosing a specialist, pay attention to reviews and photos before and after cosmetic procedures.

When to see a beautician

For the first time, a beautician should be visited at the age of 12-14 years. During this period, the active production of sex hormones begins, which affect the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands. Sebum begins to actively stand out, acne and comedones (clogged pores) appear. During this period, it is very important to teach the teenager to properly care for the skin and explain what to do if inflammation appears.

Going to a consultation with a beautician will not be superfluous at any age. It is very encouraging that there are more and more young patients and that people over 40 also seek professional help.

Why go to a beautician

The cosmetologist first determines the type of skin (normal, combination, oily or dry), then identifies possible problems: the formation of wrinkles, reduced elasticity, dehydration, the presence of spider veins, etc. In accordance with the needs of the skin, the specialist selects a program for home or professional care. The cosmetologist also gives general recommendations: what vitamin supplements should be drunk, whether you need to visit other narrow specialists or get tested.

A cosmetologist helps you learn about the features of the skin and navigate a huge variety of care products: choose those that will definitely have a positive result, and refuse products that are contraindicated for you. This applies to both home care and professional procedures.

A beautician is also needed to prevent skin aging. We are at a stage in the development of aesthetic medicine when it is in our power to slow down the aging process and look younger than our age. So why not take advantage of this?

In any case, absolutely every person needs to improve the complexion, texture and relief of the skin, additional hydration, if he takes care of himself and wants to look good in 10 and 20 years.

What problems will the cosmetologist help to solve

1. I do not like the quality of the leather

You may be concerned about dry or oily skin, peeling, sensitivity, redness and inflammation, post-acne in the form of stagnant spots and scars. The beautician will offer treatments, peels, mesotherapy or laser resurfacing.

Treatments include deep pore cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing masks, and massages. All this improves the complexion, reduces puffiness, the skin becomes more tender and hydrated. Facial massage also has a relaxing effect, and after such procedures you really feel refreshed.

Peels solve many problems. Superficial treatments deeply cleanse the skin, improve its color and texture, and reduce oiliness. Many peels are anti-inflammatory, which is good for treating acne. Deeper peels even out skin relief, reduce the depth of wrinkles, reduce post-acne scars, lighten age spots, and tighten pores.

There is also ultrasonic peeling - ultrasonic face cleaning. This method of hardware cosmetology is able to deeply cleanse pores and remove dead skin particles. Ultrasonic waves enhance blood microcirculation, so that after this procedure the skin becomes smooth and acquires a healthy color.

2. Don't know how to properly care for your skin

If you use products for home care, but do not see the result, or do not know at all which cosmetics for home use are right for you, then a professional will help.

During the consultation, the beautician will draw up a home care plan based on age, skin type and existing problem. If necessary, he will prescribe a course of procedures that must be completed in the beautician's office.

3. The first signs of aging appeared

Mesotherapy or biorevitalization, hardware cosmetology will help reduce wrinkles and restore skin elasticity.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization saturate the skin with vitamins, microelements, hyaluronic acid and help to improve the complexion, moisturize the skin, lighten age spots and post-acne.

Hardware procedures for photo and laser rejuvenation improve the structure of the skin, are able to tighten the oval of the face, narrow pores, get rid of pigmentation and spider veins, smooth out fine and medium wrinkles, slow down the aging process of the skin, and remove neoplasms.

Also, radiofrequency lifting is used, after which the skin becomes smooth and elastic, wrinkles, including deep and mimic ones, disappear, nasolabial folds decrease.

4. I would like to correct the oval of the face or the shape of the lips, remove the double chin

Contour correction and threadlifting, as well as hardware massage will help here.

Threadlifting is a relatively new direction in cosmetology, which came to us from South Korea. This is a non-surgical facelift procedure using self-absorbable and non-absorbable sutures. The threads are selected individually depending on the age and condition of the patient's skin and have a pronounced rejuvenating effect, including reducing the depth of wrinkles.

Contouring includes fillers and botulinum therapy. Fillers are preparations based on hyaluronic acid, which are injected into certain areas of the face to correct wrinkles, add volume in those areas where it is lost with age, to enlarge the lips, change the face contour, and non-surgical rhinoplasty. Fillers dissolve on their own in 9-12 months.

Botulinum therapy is an injection of drugs based on botulinum toxin. It is used to correct mimic wrinkles or facial asymmetry, as well as to treat hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating.

A pronounced lifting and modeling of the face contour is also provided by LPG-therapy - massage using a special vacuum nozzle. It is used on various areas, including the face, neck, and décolleté.

5. Worried about cellulite and loose skin of the body

To combat local fat deposits and cellulite, vacuum roller massage is effective. It has a lymphatic drainage effect, tightens the skin and destroys fat cells.

The above-mentioned LPG therapy also allows you to correct the contours of the body, eliminate cellulite and asymmetry of the sub-gluteal folds, and tighten flabby skin. The procedure improves blood circulation and removes fatty deposits and edema.

Ozone therapy is also used - enrichment of skin cells with ozone using injections. As a result, metabolic processes are triggered, cell division is enhanced. The skin rejuvenates and becomes more toned. In addition, ozone actively affects the redox reactions, which leads to the rapid burning of fat in the injection area.

6. I would like to correct the figure

Cryolipolysis is considered one of the newest methods of hardware cosmetology for body shaping. It is safe for health and guarantees results in fewer procedures than other methods. During the procedure, the fat fold is drawn in with a vacuum nozzle and is exposed to different temperatures: from +42 to –5 degrees. The natural process of destruction of the fat cell starts, the fat layer is reduced by a third in 1–2 months after the procedure. For body shaping, on average, only 2–4 sessions are required.

7. Unwanted hair gets in the way

Laser and photo epilation will help you get rid of unwanted hair for a long time in several sessions: up to 4–5 years. During electrolysis, the hair follicle is destroyed irreversibly, so the effect is permanent.

When the beautician won't help

Since cosmetology is a very wide area of aesthetic medicine, a cosmetologist can solve almost all problems associated with improving the appearance of a face or figure.

Of course, sometimes an additional visit to doctors is required for complex treatment. The cosmetologist will inform you about the need to visit other specialists at the initial consultation.

It is important to remember that a beautician is not a magician and the result will not appear instantly, unless we are talking about botulinum therapy or fillers. Almost all procedures should be carried out by the course. And it is very important to understand that home care and adherence to the general recommendations of a cosmetologist, in combination with professional procedures, is the key to the beauty and health of the skin for many years.
