Table of contents:

17 habits that will make you rich
17 habits that will make you rich

Change the way you approach life to increase your income.

17 habits that will make you rich
17 habits that will make you rich

1. Set goals

As long as you just dream of getting rich, there is practically no chance of it. But as soon as you make a dream a goal and start doing something to achieve it, it will take on real shape.

Of course, this will require setting specific tasks, deadlines for their implementation, roll up our sleeves and work.

2. Think Big

Interim goals can be made small and achievable, but in a global sense, you should strive for more than you can imagine. This will force you to look for means of achievement that would simply not have occurred to you otherwise.

For example, you want to be a millionaire. If the goal is to define one million, a miracle will not happen: it can be earned, saved up, inherited. But the task of making a capital of several million will make you think how to invest wisely, how to develop professionally, so that in a few years you will think in other financial categories.

3. Avoid frames

Artificial constraints keep you from growing. Often you yourself set the bar down. For example, when you refuse to participate in a project where you have to perform unusual duties, although you will not get a second chance to get such experience.

Everything new is a step by which you can rise higher.

4. Live within your means

Rest assured, a wealthy person does not spend all of his income and will not give up the last to buy, for example, an expensive car. This is the prerogative of the poor people. And the point is not at all in the amount of earnings, but in relation to money.

Spending must be reasonable, and you must determine the upper spending bar for each item. For example, spend no more than 30% of your earnings on housing, even if you rent an apartment. If the amount exceeds a third of the salary, it is worth looking for housing cheaper.

Calculating and saving is not a fun process. It's boring enough, especially when compared to the once-in-a-lifetime chic. But you can live once in much better financial conditions.

5. Keep a budget

Treat finance like a business. The company is unlikely to be able to become profitable if it stops reducing debit and credit, looking for more lucrative contracts and reducing unearmarked expenses. This also works for your personal funds: if you are not aware of the movement of money, you should not count on profit.

6. Make savings

Saving will not make you a millionaire, but it will help you avoid bankruptcy. Lack of elementary savings in case of force majeure will lead to the fact that in the event of an emergency, such as illness or dismissal, you will be forced to go into debt in order to pay at least for food.

7. Save extra money you earn

People love folk wisdom, but the phrase "came easily, easily left" is used for some reason more often than "a penny saves a ruble." Nevertheless, the advice to save money that came to you unexpectedly really makes you richer.

An unexpected bonus, royalty, gift, or other source of funds can be easily deferred without prejudice because you didn't budget for it. This will increase your savings, and you will be one step closer to wealth.

8. Make money work

As long as you simply store the savings, they decrease, as their real purchasing power decreases due to inflation. To prevent this from happening, the money must at least be transferred to a savings account, the interest on which is ahead of inflation. But this is not at all a tool for making money.

To receive income, money needs to be invested. True, for this you will have to consider various options for investing and figure out how not to lose your savings.

One source of income is unreliable; for a confident increase in capital, there must be at least three of them.

In this case, we are not talking about the search for the second and third jobs. You can invest in stocks, rent out real estate or become a partner in a third party company.

9. Look for the right idols

Nobody forbids you to admire superheroes, but as role models it is better to look for more prosaic characters with superpowers that can be developed.

Among the successful businessmen, there are probably a few people who will inspire you. They are the ones who prove that nothing is impossible. This means that you can achieve success.

10. Invest in yourself

As it is, you can only receive an inheritance. In order to have a good income, you must constantly develop. This is important both for those who want to remain an employee with a high salary, and for those who want to start their own business.

Courses, seminars, trainings, travel, meetings are not a waste of money. You become smarter, more experienced, more insightful, which cannot but affect your earnings. As for trainings and seminars, you will have to carefully select mentors.

11. Read

Reading specialized literature is the easiest way to improve skills at minimal cost. You will get the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others, learn how you developed different types of business, how you brought the company out of the crisis, what you shouldn't do so as not to find yourself in similar situations.

You will get experience for the price of the book, while the authors may have lost millions to do so.

12. Use your time efficiently

Working 24 hours a day makes few people more effective, but you can also rest in different ways. Instead of flipping through social media or watching TV, pursue personal development that will turn out to be profitable. Or get enough sleep, which will also have a positive effect on productivity.

13. Build Your Own Brand

Now you do not need to be a security officer to collect a detailed dossier on a person. Even if you are very secretive, the Web will reveal more about you than you would like. So keep track of what you do online and offline.

Being impeccable is difficult and not necessary for everyone. Many people have become successful through bold statements that run counter to public opinion. But at least be consistent and have principles.

14. Learn to appreciate people

From a linear position, it is clearly seen how the attitude of management affects the motivation and performance of employees. However, in the boss's chair, many begin to forget that they are not the only ones working in the company.

For a department or company to be effective, it is worth surrounding yourself with responsible, smart, proactive employees who care. Yes, they will have to pay well and be treated humanly. But this approach will quickly affect the results.

15. Take responsibility

It's time to understand that it is you who are responsible for your life. And the more decisions you make on your own, the more you control what is happening and you can correct it.

Even if you do something wrong, you will no longer waste time blaming someone. You will pull yourself together and start correcting mistakes. Which is definitely more productive than inaction.

16. Don't give up

It takes persistence and patience to reach your goals. Luck matters in work and business, but more often it comes to those who continue to strive for the goal, even if the circumstances are not the best.

If you drop your hands, you will not be able to catch the wealth that suddenly fell on you, so do not give up.

17. Do your best

The main element of success that you can control is the amount of effort invested. If you do the minimum, don't expect maximum results. Remember, a horseshoe brings happiness if it is nailed to the hoof and plowed.
