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13 ways to make your life rich and vibrant
13 ways to make your life rich and vibrant

There are people who parachute every day, build a profitable business, fall in love and travel around the world. And there are those who just can't get out of the routine. But with 13 steps, you can achieve what you want and fill your life with meaning and incredible memories.

13 ways to make your life rich and vibrant
13 ways to make your life rich and vibrant

1. Listen to feelings

Advice seems like sheer insanity, because to be successful you need to be guided by logic and calculation and have a clear plan of action. However, most famous and successful people believe: you need to learn to listen to your inner voice.

Composer Alan Menken, describing the process of creating music for cartoons, said that he followed his heart, tried to listen to his feelings as much as possible. If you learn to do this, the ability for logical reasoning and prudence will also appear.

This tip is especially good for those days when you don't know what you want. At times like this, we tend to overcomplicate things or think too much.

The solution is simple: listen to your inner self. Follow it. Only in this way will you learn to understand what you feel, express it and use it for your own good.

2. Get new experiences

Whatever goal you pursue, you are essentially looking for new knowledge and skills. So instead of blindly striving for your goal, ask yourself: "What experience do I want to get?"

Once you answer this question, you can understand exactly what you are trying to achieve. You will be able to determine how efficiently you are working.

The Wright brothers wanted to fly. Someone wants to climb Everest, live a happy and healthy life, and become a millionaire. Elon Musk wants to die on Mars. What do you want?

  • Maybe love and be loved?
  • Maybe have a strong and healthy body?
  • Is your goal more specific or unusual?

Experience is what makes us human. The meaning of life lies in all the events that we have experienced. You can appreciate almost every item in your home, but you won't be able to hang a price tag on your memories and experiences. You cannot buy them.

Something can only be achieved by hard work. For example, you cannot sit on a bench at the entrance for two years and become a doctor of science. You will have to study, teach, write scientific papers, meet face to face with criticism.

The most valuable experience seems to be protected from those who do not know how to get it and do not want to do anything. You will not be able to run a marathon if before that you were exclusively engaged in eating pizza and watching TV shows.

3. Use experience to open new doors

Jim Rohn, a well-known author and speaker, spoke about the moment when he clearly realized that it was impossible to live like this.

When Jim was 25 years old, a girl scout knocked on his door. She asked Jim to buy some cookies to support their organization. Despite the fact that the cookies cost only two dollars, Jim did not have that money either. He felt so ashamed that he decided to lie and said: "You know, we recently bought cookies from another girl."

The girl thanked Jim and left, and he closed the door and stood silently in the corridor for several minutes. At that moment, he realized: it was no longer possible to live like this. After this incident, he tries every day to improve himself and his life.

Jim is sure that if he had not lied about buying cookies, he would never have felt the urgent need to develop and work. It was exactly the experience that opened a new door for him to another life. On the other hand, this experience helped Jim to mentally prepare and realize that he is ready to learn, develop, try and achieve his goal.

After certain experiences and events, you get the opportunity to change yourself, attract the right and good people and adventures into your life.

4. Analyze the situation

Sometimes things pile up, tension builds up. I want to rest. To do this, we try to go where it is quiet and good. For example, closer to the forest, sea, mountains. Only in this environment can you experience peace. Nature is the perfect place to relax and recover.

When you set a goal, immediately think about the circumstances under which you can achieve it.

Remember that in any case you will be influenced by culture, nationality, traditions. Analyze how they can help or hinder you from getting what you want.

5. Get the most out of any situation

You need to constantly ask yourself: "What will this situation give me?" You can always get the most benefit and experience from any circumstance.

This is your goal: to see and recognize opportunities, to do everything to realize them, to evaluate the experience gained.

For example, if you are reading this article, take a second and look around. Who is in the room or apartment besides you?

  • If this is a relative, you can tell him how dear he is to you.
  • If it's a loved one, it's time to say the three main words.
  • Even petting a cat once again will not be shameful.

Such an experience may seem trivial to some. Others find it difficult to take this step, because it requires frankness and openness. But the experience gained in return is invaluable and very important for everyone.

6. Change the situation

Also, to appreciate the environment you are in, do your best to change it. Do this so that circumstances help you.

For example, if you find it difficult to concentrate, you can play music, use earplugs, sit in a comfortable chair, or unfold the table. You don't need to turn the whole world upside down to make your day a little more productive and brighter.

7. Monitor your thoughts and desires

What do you think about the most?

Most people spend energy and time thinking about the chasm that separates them from their desired goal.

  • "I still haven't received this contract."
  • "My relationship is very bad."
  • "I would like to be stronger and slimmer."

Such thoughts contain only one thing: a statement of the problem. You need to focus on solving it. People usually reflect on what they want to avoid. In fact, you only need to visualize the experience you want to get.

In your thoughts, you should strive only for what you desire.

8. Spend 90 minutes of continuous work

During work, we are very often distracted, and our brain needs at least 23 minutes to focus on the task again.

On the other hand, all successful people say that they have trained themselves to work continuously, without losing focus, for 90 minutes a day. The recipe for such productivity varies, but its basis never changes:

  • Start working early in the morning.
  • Divide your workday into three blocks.
  • Each block should be equal to 90 minutes.

If you manage to work consistently and productively at least once a day, but for 90 minutes in a row, you will already achieve more than many other people. Remember to rest between blocks. Rest is just as important as concentration while working.

9. Save time

In order to bring the previous point to life, you need to learn how to create circumstances in which it will be easy for you to focus and work. If you go in for sports, then it is best to do this in a specially equipped gym, and not at home on a rug.

The first thing to do is remove any distractions. For example, turn off your phone to get rid of annoying notifications. As long as your 90 minutes are running, you should not be distracted. Let the whole world go to hell, and you need to finish the task.

Prepare for challenges. People will try to steal your time. Even with good intentions. To tell an interesting story, to advise, to complain about life. Be firm, don't let them do it.

ten. Remember that your time is very valuable

To follow the previous tip, do this: set a specific goal for yourself and write down on a piece of paper how much you want to make this year. Then calculate how much a minute of your working time is worth.

Remember this figure. Every time you want to distract yourself, count how much money you are losing by procrastinating.

Are YouTube videos of kittens really worth it?

11. "Disconnect" as often as possible

The author of The Cumulative Impact, Darren Hardy, advises turning off to be productive. He, of course, means disconnecting from mobile, Internet networks and even refusing to talk on a regular phone.

Darren Hardy advises that you refrain from using connected gadgets for at least the 90 minutes that you are continuously working. It is also advisable to schedule days when you will completely "disconnect" from all networks.

The writer believes that this practice will allow you to awaken creativity, productivity and fill your life with meaning.

Try to refuse calls, mail and the Internet for one day. Do what you really love to do. Go to your dream.

12. Find a leader and follow him

Do you have an example to follow? Find out what this person is doing right now. What he strives for, what does he do to achieve his goal. Follow him with the same speed and tenacity.

Usain Bolt, the world's fastest runner, has set many world records over the past few years. It is interesting. But even more interesting is that those runners who are forced to compete with this unique athlete also set new records. In other words, those who lose to Bolt run faster than anyone before them.

It is enough to strive for the leader and not slow down. Then you get ahead of the rest of the competition.

Of course, it's best that you find positive role models.

13. Do less

If you spend most of your time worrying about mundane and trivial problems or tasks that you can assign to another person, you are not moving forward. You get sucked in by the routine. Such a life will not be interesting and remarkable.

Remember Pareto's Law? 20% of the efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of the efforts - only 20% of the result. Based on this principle, determine your priorities.

Focus on the activities that bring the most results. Then you will make a huge leap towards your goal. On the way to it, you will find a lot of interesting things, you will see what you have long dreamed of seeing. And those who have been using the Pareto principle in practice for a long time say that with its help you can even slow down time.

Let's sum up

Your life is a complex of actions, decisions and ideas. The experience that you get throughout your life depends only on how you organize your day, week, year. Any life hacks can turn your life into a wonderful kaleidoscope of events. Even the smallest decisions will help you reach your furthest goal.

You need to act immediately. Immediately after reading.
