Table of contents:

Why are lymphocytes needed and how many should be normal?
Why are lymphocytes needed and how many should be normal?

"Bad" tests in this case do not mean illness.

Why are lymphocytes needed and how many should be normal?
Why are lymphocytes needed and how many should be normal?

What are lymphocytes and why are they needed

Lymphocyte / National Human Genome Research Institute is a type of white blood cell (leukocyte). Like all white blood cells, lymphocytes play an important role in the functioning of the immune system. They help the body to determine in time that it is attacked by pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi, and also participate in repelling this attack.

In addition, lymphocytes destroy cells that are infected or damaged, such as cancer, in their own body to prevent the spread of the disease.

What are lymphocytes

Lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow and are divided into three T and B Lymphocyte and Natural Killer Cell Profile / University of Rochester Medical Center types:

  1. B-cells. This type of lymphocyte produces antibodies that the body needs to capture and destroy viruses or bacteria that have entered it.
  2. T cells. They detect and destroy cells in the body that are infected with a pathogen, or cancerous. Another group of T-lymphocytes is responsible for The origins of memory T cells / Nature for the body to remember those pathogens with which it has already come into contact.
  3. Natural killer (NK) cells. They partially duplicate the work of T-lymphocytes: they contain substances that destroy tumor cells or cells infected with a virus.

What is the norm of lymphocytes in the blood

Lymphocytes normally constitute Lymphocytopenia / National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 20-40% of the total number of leukocytes. If we talk about the absolute value, then it depends on the age.

The normal number of lymphocytes in the blood in adults is between 1,000 and 4,800 cells per microliter of blood. In children, it is from 3,000 to 9,500 per microliter.

If the lymphocyte count falls below these values, doctors suspect a condition called lymphopenia. If there are more lymphocytes than normal, they speak of Lymphocytosis / Mayo Clinic lymphocytosis.

How to find out the level of lymphocytes in the blood

This indicator is included in the general blood test (CBC). This research is usually directed by a therapist or other attending physician, with whom a person is being observed in connection with a particular disease.

UAC is done by taking a small amount of blood from a vein with a syringe.

What to do if the lymphocyte count is below or above normal

Both lymphopenia and lymphocytosis are not independent diseases, but only symptoms of some processes occurring in the body.

Not necessarily something dangerous. For example, Lymphocytopenia / National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute may be a personality trait that you inherited from your parents and does not require treatment. Although in most cases, an increase or decrease in the level of lymphocytes is still associated with pathological processes.

So, severe lymphopenia, that is, a decrease in the number of lymphocytes, can speak Lymphocytopenia / National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute:

  • about an infectious disease. From influenza to severe infections - viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, AIDS. In such diseases, lymphocytes are consumed faster than the bone marrow has time to produce them;
  • about autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus. In such conditions, the immune system attacks the cells of its own body. And, of course, it actively spends lymphocytes on it;
  • oncological and other blood diseases, such as aplastic anemia or Hodgkin's disease. With these disorders, the bone marrow either does not produce enough lymphocytes, or they are quickly destroyed when they enter the bloodstream.

Lymphocytosis can also Lymphocytosis / Mayo Clinic be a symptom of various viral and bacterial infections, including hepatitis and AIDS, as well as a number of other diseases.

Why the level of lymphocytes is below or above the norm specifically for you, can only be established by the doctor who sent you for analysis. In addition to blood counts, a physician will definitely assess your health, symptoms, age and other factors. More research may be needed to make an accurate diagnosis. For example, a biochemical blood test, x-rays of the lungs, ultrasound or CT of the abdominal organs.
