Table of contents:

Why lymphocytes are elevated and what to do about it
Why lymphocytes are elevated and what to do about it

This is usually not dangerous. But sometimes it can be the first symptom of leukemia.

Why the level of lymphocytes is elevated and what to do about it
Why the level of lymphocytes is elevated and what to do about it

What are lymphocytes

Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that the body uses to fight off pathogens. If the immune system detects a virus, bacterium or other harmful particle, the level of lymphocytes rises. As soon as the threat is over, it drops to normal.

An increased level of lymphocytes is called lymphocytosis by doctors.

What is considered an elevated lymphocyte count

The lymphocyte count is measured in units per microliter of blood. The norm for an adult is from 1,000 to 4,800 cells. For children - from 3,000 to 9,500.

However, even a slight increase in lymphocytes is considered lymphocytosis - more than 3,000 (according to other sources, 4,000) in adults and 9,000 in children.

Why is an increase in lymphocytes dangerous?

In itself, nothing. Lymphocytosis is not an independent disease, but just a symptom showing that the body is fighting some pathogen or disorder.

But what caused the level of lymphocytes to exceed the norm can be dangerous. Sometimes fatal. Therefore, it is important to understand what exactly caused the lymphocytosis.

Why is the level of lymphocytes increased?

Most often, temporary lymphocytosis is the result of normal functioning of the immune system. Usually, the lymphocyte count rises during or immediately after a viral infection, such as the flu. But more serious reasons are also possible.

Lymphocytosis can be a sign of:

  • autoimmune diseases that cause chronic inflammation. For example, arthritis manifests itself with an increased number of lymphocytes;
  • hypothyroidism. This is the name of the insufficient activity of the thyroid gland;
  • hepatitis A. Usually, lymphocytosis is recorded in hepatitis A, B and C;
  • mononucleosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • cancer of the blood or lymphatic system. Sometimes an accidentally discovered significant increase in the level of lymphocytes is the first symptom of cancer, for example, chronic lymphocytic leukemia - the most common type of leukemia in adults;
  • the fact that the body somehow did not react so well to the new medicine.

How to know if the level of lymphocytes is elevated

Lymphocytosis has no independent symptoms.

But you may have symptoms that indicate an illness that triggered an increase in the lymphocyte count. If you contact a therapist with complaints about your well-being, he will offer you a general blood test. This is how lymphocytosis is most often diagnosed.

How is lymphocytosis treated?

By itself, lymphocytosis does not need therapy, since it is only a symptom.

The doctor will try to establish the cause of the violation. Perhaps it will be on the surface: for example, a specialist will find you have a common ARVI. In this case, the lymphocytosis will go away on its own shortly after you get rid of the infection.

If there is definitely no cold, and the level of lymphocytes is still increased, the doctor will offer to undergo an examination: take a blood test, do an ultrasound scan, possibly a biopsy. Depending on the results, you will be diagnosed and treated for a specific disease that has already been detected.

As soon as you recover or the disease can be corrected, the lymphocyte count will return to normal.

How to prevent lymphocytosis

It's impossible. Lymphocytosis indicates that your immune system is functioning normally and is warding off the attack of pathogens.

All you can do is try not to get an infection. For this:

  • wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water;
  • avoid contact with obviously sick people;
  • do not share your personal belongings with anyone - cups, spoons, toothbrushes, razors;
  • disinfect regularly or, if possible, wash in warm water and soap those items that you often use in public places, such as keys, wallet, phone.
