TextExpander saves time when typing
TextExpander saves time when typing

TextExpander is one of my all-time favorite Mac programs. Saves time typing frequently used phrases - names, company names, greetings and signatures in emails, etc. etc. The principle of operation is simple - you indicate the full spelling of a word or phrase, and also give an abbreviated version. Now, when you enter this shortcut anywhere, the TextExpander will automatically replace it with the full one.

The possibilities of TextExpander are not limited to simple text input - you can insert already formatted text and even pictures. You can determine the position of the cursor after insertion, specify the date and time, etc. The program itself is extremely lightweight, practically does not consume memory. In general, beauty.


The range of applications for TextExpander can be very wide. For example, I am using a program to quickly enter HTML tags. One way to use it: by typing "h2." (no quotes), I get the construct. Moreover, the cursor is already located between the tags. Even more interesting is the example of inserting a quote. I copy the phrase to the clipboard, type "bq." (again without quotes) and I get:

the phrase will be here

… Many people use TextExpander to automatically fix their most common mistakes and misprints.
