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The most bombarded Lifehacker texts in 2019
The most bombarded Lifehacker texts in 2019

Caution: These articles can melt the stool.

The most bombarded Lifehacker texts in 2019
The most bombarded Lifehacker texts in 2019

Last year, Lifehacker launched the Autodafe project. In it, we declared war on everything that prevents people from living and becoming better: breaking laws, believing in nonsense, deceit and fraud. Here are the most discussed materials, the discussion of which is no less interesting to read than the text itself.

Why homophobia is dangerous for the whole society, not just for homosexuals

The best materials from the section "Auto-da-fe" on Lifehacker
The best materials from the section "Auto-da-fe" on Lifehacker

Your kids will definitely not change orientation when they see a gay couple. But aggression and the desire to deal with those who are not like you can turn the life of everyone around you into a real hell.

10 tricks of scammers that even smart people fall for

10 tricks of scammers that even smart people fall for
10 tricks of scammers that even smart people fall for

It is quite easy to become a victim of deception, even if you are an adult with two higher educations. This is because scammers masterfully recognize vulnerabilities and play on our fears. Find out which schemes they use most and learn how to resist manipulation.

Why not pay alimony is disgusting

The best materials from the section "Auto-da-fe" on Lifehacker
The best materials from the section "Auto-da-fe" on Lifehacker

We collected the most common arguments of those who do not pay child support and refuted them. Will your ex spend it all on a new guy? Doesn't the child need much? Just show the defaulters this text instead of a thousand words.

8 types of teachers you shouldn't trust

8 types of teachers you shouldn't trust
8 types of teachers you shouldn't trust

Anyone can teach and instruct today, but not everyone has to listen. If a person relies only on personal experience, thinks of himself as the author of a "secret method" or goes over to insults in the learning process, these are alarming bells. Learn more about dubious characters to help you distinguish between a real teacher and a charlatan.

"When will you give birth?": How women are deprived of the right to their own body

The best materials from the section "Auto-da-fe" on Lifehacker
The best materials from the section "Auto-da-fe" on Lifehacker

It is not necessary to have a bunny when there is no lawn or desire. We explain why motherhood should be a deliberate choice and no one has the right to reproach a woman for selfishness if she has decided not to give birth.

How to understand that a person is holding you on an emotional leash and get away from him

How to understand that a person is holding you on an emotional leash and get away from him
How to understand that a person is holding you on an emotional leash and get away from him

Attachment in relationships is common, but sometimes it becomes unhealthy. If one of the partners starts manipulating, and the second falls into complete dependence on him, there can be no talk of a harmonious union. Check if there is any similar in your pair.

Why illegal downloading of content makes a person not a pirate, but a thief

The best materials from the section "Auto-da-fe" on Lifehacker
The best materials from the section "Auto-da-fe" on Lifehacker

“I don’t have money”, “I won’t lose money from the authors!”, “Why everyone can, but I can’t?” - We spread pirate excuses to smithereens and show that paying for content is absolutely normal. And still not as expensive as it seems.

"Our couple would be perfect if not for you." Why you don't need to change for the sake of a partner

"Our couple would be perfect if not for you." Why you don't need to change for the sake of a partner
"Our couple would be perfect if not for you." Why you don't need to change for the sake of a partner

Attempts to break yourself for the sake of a loved one can turn into internal conflict or even depression. It is much wiser to listen to your own feelings than to try to become the embodiment of someone else's ideal.

Must Run: 22 Signs You Are Dating an Abuser

The best materials from the section "Auto-da-fe" on Lifehacker
The best materials from the section "Auto-da-fe" on Lifehacker

Humiliation, constant control, instilling a sense of guilt and other signals that say only one thing: it's time to start a relationship.

Someone else's body is none of your business. Why people have the right to look the way they want

Someone else's body is none of your business. Why people have the right to look the way they want
Someone else's body is none of your business. Why people have the right to look the way they want

Rip off the veils: you don't have to like anyone. But you don't have to either! Living in harmony with yourself and others will become easier if you drop the standards imposed by gloss, cosmetics and porn manufacturers.
