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Simple tips to stop abusing food and alcohol
Simple tips to stop abusing food and alcohol

To take control of your diet, you don't have to give up delicious food and enjoyable drinks. Ask yourself a few simple questions and you can eat and drink as much as you really need.

Simple tips to stop abusing food and alcohol
Simple tips to stop abusing food and alcohol

Don't be shy, we all did that. We overeat and then regretted it terribly. We promised ourselves not to do that again, but we didn’t keep that promise. Only a small piece of chocolate cake, just a small piece … And half of the cake was gone. And then - a feeling of guilt and regret. Nighttime snacks? Well, what about without them. Another glass of wine, and in the morning - Bloody Mary. Then, in order not to swell like a bubble, we go on a diet or punish ourselves with additional exercises.

It is very unpleasant to feel that you cannot take control of your desires. Especially when you started eating healthy, but one breakdown undermined all your achievements. However, there is a way out of this endless cycle of excesses and self-restraint.

Does this mean that we will have to give up what brings us so much joy? We all want to savor our favorite food and drinks and not feel disadvantaged at the same time. After all, if the chef tried to make the food tasty, then why should we be ashamed of enjoying it?

We can learn to eat delicious food that our physical form will not suffer from. And for eating which we will not be ashamed. You just need to change the angle of perception of the consumed food. Perhaps this wording sounds too vague and unattainable, but in fact it implies very specific steps. Follow two simple strategies.

1. Eat food for which the body will thank you

Choose food that will make you feel equally good at the time of eating and a few hours afterwards. And it has nothing to do with self-indulgence. Healthy food that nourishes your body with nutrients can (and should) taste good. And food that doesn't benefit your body can be relatively harmless. This means it won't make your stomach burn or lead to joint pain. Before consuming a particular food (or drink), ask yourself the following questions:

  • Will it benefit my body? If so, feel free to eat.
  • If not, will I regret it when I eat it? If your answer is no, go ahead and eat with pleasure!
  • Even if this food doesn't benefit me, is it worth trying? If not, skip this food.

The idea is clear, right? The point is to control yourself and press the Stop button in time before falling into the endless rabbit hole of overeating (or drinking). Using this strategy, you will be able to choose your food wisely, while not restricting yourself too much, instead of mindlessly devouring everything that comes your way.

2. Use the first bite rule

The very first sip of excellent wine, taken in a summer courtyard in good company, leaves you no choice but to breathe in pleasure. It’s the first piece of brownie that makes you sound a satisfied “mmm”. Food is meant to be enjoyed. But shouldn't we savor each bite just like the first? However, to do this, you need to monitor how you feel after each new bite (or sip).

  • After a few bites, does the dish still feel so delicious to me?
  • Am I really enjoying it or is it just because I started?

The answers to these questions require a conscious attitude to the process of eating. If you strive to stop overeating without particularly restricting yourself, this awareness is your ultimate goal.

By taking a break to make sure you continue to enjoy your meal, you can stop yourself in time and never eat more than you really want. You’ll soon realize that you don’t have to leave your plate without a single crumb or finish the bottle to the bottom. Asking yourself these questions is the most natural and effective way to avoid regret after overeating.


To follow these principles, you do not need to be seven inches in the forehead. But mastering them requires constant practice. In the end, our goal is to live a vibrant and fulfilling life in which there is no room for food and drink abuse and subsequent self-flagellation. Are you still overeating or suffering from a hangover? Enough tolerating this. Just a few questions to ask yourself, and you are free from bitter regrets.
