Table of contents:

14 habits that harm your smile
14 habits that harm your smile

Even seemingly harmless things can destroy teeth.

14 habits that harm your smile
14 habits that harm your smile

1. Nail biting

This habit is fraught with two dangers at once. First, teeth can be mechanically damaged. Secondly, to turn your mouth into nail clippers, you have to push the lower jaw forward. And this position can easily injure the ligaments.

2. Smoking

Yellow is the least scary thing cigarettes can do to your teeth. In the worst case, gum disease, cancer of the mouth, lips and tongue awaits you.

3. Brushing your teeth too hard

If you are one of those excellent students who are used to giving all the best in any business, everything can end badly. Aggressive brushing damages teeth and gums, damaging the enamel and leading to tooth loss. Be gentle with your jaw.

4. Grinding your teeth

This habit can lead to cracks and chips, and overexertion in the muscles of the jaw is simply tiring. Alas, it is not always possible to constantly control yourself, since you can grind your teeth in a dream. In this case, use a mouthguard at night, and work on relaxation the rest of the time.

5. Do sports without protection

By Murphy's Law, if something, somewhere, can go wrong, it will go wrong. Therefore, if you are involved in a contact sport, protection should not be neglected. Even when you enter the field or ring "for a minute". Hockey players, as you know, are not loved for their gorgeous smile.

6. Drink wine

Wines contain acids that destroy the enamel and make it vulnerable to staining. Red wine also contains bright pigments that change the color of the teeth.

7. Gnaw on pencils

Beaver teeth grow at a rate of about half a centimeter per month. You are not a beaver, and your teeth are grinning irrevocably, so stop dragging wood into your mouth, albeit in the form of a harmless pencil.

8. Snack regularly

When you eat, the bacteria that cause tooth decay are also nourished. They "eat up" for you and produce acid that attacks the enamel. Give bacteria an intermittent fast to delay the placement of fillings.

9. Use your teeth as a tool

Opening packages and bottles, gnawing off threads, holding a bag when your hands are busy - if there were instructions attached to the jaw, there would definitely not be anything like that in it. Therefore, use your teeth as directed. And buy a pair of scissors and a bottle opener at last.

10. Drink sugary drinks

Sugar is a welcome food for bacteria that cause tooth decay. It is found in abundance in soda, sports drinks, energy drinks, and juices. Most of them also contain phosphoric and citric acids, which will eat away at the enamel.

11. Nibbling ice

There are two solid contestants in this competition: ice and teeth. Usually the latter wins, but there is no guarantee that the next time the leader will not change. Add to that the chill of frozen water that irritates your gums and you've got a simple recipe for ruining your smile.

12. Drink coffee

Tooth enamel from everyone's favorite drink darkens over time. But the good news is that the effects of drinking coffee are quite easy to deal with with various bleaching methods. The dentist will choose the optimal one.

13. Nibbling lollipops

Double damage to teeth: hard surface and a lot of sugar in the composition. Put cough drops on this destructive list too. The fact that they are sold in a pharmacy does not make them harmless.

14. Induce vomiting

The acid in vomit destroys teeth and makes them brittle. However, rare episodes of nausea will not cause problems. However, people with bulimia are at risk. This eating disorder is characterized by bouts of uncontrolled binge eating, after which the person induces vomiting to empty the stomach. As a result, the whole body suffers, including teeth.
