The fastest yoga complex for office workers
The fastest yoga complex for office workers

If you are tired of strenuous work at the computer, set aside just three minutes for yoga classes. With this set of exercises, you don't even have to get out of your chair to stretch your muscles.

The fastest yoga complex for office workers
The fastest yoga complex for office workers

Dividing your work time into parts and doing physical activity in between is the best way to keep yourself in good shape for people with sedentary jobs. However, not everyone and not always manage to do a full-fledged warm-up during the working day. Therefore, we offer you a yoga complex that takes only three minutes. You don't even need to get up from your chair.

Warm up in the office in 3 minutes
Warm up in the office in 3 minutes

This complex contains a total of six static poses, each of which must be held for 30 seconds. Here are some explanations for the technique.

  1. Rounding the back. When performing this exercise, you need to put your hands on your knees, tilt your head and move your shoulders forward as much as possible. You should round your back in a way that stretches all the muscles and the spine.
  2. Stretching up … Extend both arms towards the ceiling and feel the stretch in your abdomen, back, and arms.
  3. Stretching to the side … Extend one arm up and tilt the body. This exercise will help you stretch your oblique abdominal muscles, arms, shoulders, and back. Bend in the opposite direction after 15 seconds.
  4. Interlocking hands … Interlace your arms so that the elbow of one rests on the forearm of the other, and the wrists are locked in a lock. You should feel a stretch in your shoulder blades, deltoids, and triceps. Change hands after 15 seconds.
  5. Raising opposite arms and legs … Raise one knee slightly above the waistline and the opposite arm to shoulder height. Stay in this pose for 15 seconds, then switch sides.
  6. Half lotus … In this position, it is advisable to close your eyes, relax and focus on breathing, which should be free and natural.

As a result of performing these exercises, you will be able to slightly stretch and stretch those muscle groups that are practically not involved in sedentary work, therefore they will gradually atrophy. Don't let your muscles dry out - sacrifice a few minutes for your health!
