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How an empty inbox affects your productivity
How an empty inbox affects your productivity

If your inbox is more of a dump where it's hard to find an important email, here's a good reason to change the way you work with mail.

How an empty inbox affects your productivity
How an empty inbox affects your productivity

Root Productivity Problems

Blogger Merlin Mann once proposed the Inbox Zero approach to help you control your time and your life. This way of working with e-mail is designed to help you always (or almost always) keep your inbox empty.

Most problems with personal effectiveness are the result of uncertainty and confusion. And the Inbox Zero technique helps to clear not only your inbox, but also your thoughts. This creates the feeling that almost everything in life is clearly defined, nothing will distract you anymore and you can finally get down to business.

Why organization is so important

Organized people live without the constant fear that something needs their attention. It is this feeling that constantly distracts us, depriving us of the ability to concentrate on the most important thing: work, relationships with other people, our own health. And when we cannot focus on these things, it is much more difficult for us to make the right choice. It turns out that organized people are more likely to be more productive.


Mike Sturm journalist and blogger

When I was able to parse the inbox, I immediately felt the difference. Now I could listen to my interlocutors more attentively. When I got home, I spent more time on my wife and child. After all, I knew that the uncertainty of unread letters did not hang over me. Even if there were some urgent business, I would know how to include it in my routine.

Don't make email cleanup a fetish

Don't fall into the common trap: don't confuse the means with the end. An empty inbox is not a goal, but a way to achieve a goal - calm consciousness. A calm mind is the key to productivity. Many people forget about this and start checking their email almost every 10 minutes.

Obsessing over an empty mailbox will only hurt productivity. So don't get hung up on parsing emails and missing messages. Otherwise, it will turn into another way of procrastination.
