Take this simple test to test your color discrimination
Take this simple test to test your color discrimination

Interestingly, only one in four people is capable of distinguishing the full spectrum of colors. The rest see only a distorted picture. Take a simple test to determine how well you can distinguish colors.

Take this simple test to test your color discrimination
Take this simple test to test your color discrimination

Did you know that approximately 75% of people cannot distinguish the entire spectrum of colors?

Why it happens? The fact is that our ability to distinguish colors directly depends on the number of cones (photoreceptors) in the retina.

And to test yourself and determine how well you distinguish colors, you can use a simple test. Just count how many colors and shades you see in the picture (count the stripes).


How many colors have you counted?

1. You have counted less than 20 stripes. This means that you have two types of light-sensitive cones. You, like 25% of all people on the planet, belong to the category of people, which is commonly called dichromats. By the way, dogs are also dichromats.

2. You see 20 to 32 different stripes. In this case, you are a trichromat. That is, you have three different types of cones at your disposal, and you are able to distinguish not only the primary colors, but also most of their shades. This category of people includes approximately 50% of the world's population.

3. You have counted 32 to 39 stripes. If so, then you are one of the tetrachromats and are able to see a very large spectrum of colors. In this ability, you are similar to bees, which are also tetrachromats.

4. If you have counted more than 39 stripes, I recommend taking the test again. There are only 39 different colors in the picture, and if you consider that you are looking at the monitor screen, then you can distinguish even less.

The author of this publication counted 36 different stripes, but how many do you see?
