Does sweat really release toxins?
Does sweat really release toxins?

We are used to hearing that you can get rid of harmful substances if you sweat well. But it is not so.

Does sweat really release toxins?
Does sweat really release toxins?

Yes, some harmful substances are removed from the body with sweat. For example, Human excretion of bisphenol A: blood, urine, and sweat (BUS) study was found in sweat. heavy metals and the chemical bisphenol A, which is also found in plastics. But there is no evidence that elimination of these substances improves health.

"The claims about the benefits of sauna and other similar methods are not supported by science," says Harriet Hall, a flight doctor for the US Air Force and editor of Science-Based Medicine.

Sweat is 99% water, and the concentration of metals in it is extremely low. Most of the toxins from the body are removed by the liver and kidneys.

People with elevated levels of heavy metals in their bodies need medication, not a sauna. For everyone else, the detox occurs without additional help.

In addition, it is unclear whether the microscopic amounts of toxins found in sweat indicate real health problems. And is there any health benefit from removing them.

Joseph Schwarcz, a chemistry professor at McGill University in Montreal, compares detoxifying with sweat to being afraid of drowning in a bathtub. In theory, by removing one spoonful of water, we will reduce the risk of drowning - because there will now be less water in the bath. But in essence, this is pointless: such a small amount of water does not change anything.
