Table of contents:

7 reasons why laziness is a myth
7 reasons why laziness is a myth

If you think you’re lazy, see it not as a problem, but as a symptom of a problem.

7 reasons why laziness is a myth
7 reasons why laziness is a myth

1. Fear of failure

You probably know the saying "He who does nothing is not mistaken." She is supposed to explain that it is not scary to stumble, you need to move on. But you can perceive it and vice versa: do nothing and you will not make mistakes.

People endure failure in different ways. For some, this is so painful that they are ready to postpone necessary and important steps. It's not enough to stop being lazy, it's worth working on improving your self-esteem.

2. Fear of success

It sounds incredible, but this fear is real. First, it takes success to a completely different level. You can be a star in a line position, and one step is enough for a promotion. Will you try or become lazy to avoid new challenges?

Second, success isn't just about happiness, especially in our culture. There is both possible envy and the accusation that you went over your heads. For example, you are assigned to a management position, rather than a more experienced employee. Most people understand that you will do a better job. But gossip is almost inevitable.

Third, success in one area can lead to problems in others. So, some men painfully endure the career ups of their wives, and a salary increase can end up being a hassle for a woman in the family.

3. Latent conflict

There is such a thing as the "Italian strike": people just do their job in accordance with the job description, and this negatively affects its effectiveness.

The approach works not only in offices and factories, but also in relationships.

You are angry with your partner, but you do not want or cannot express your displeasure. Instead, you are lazy, because who will blame you for a little rest. In fact, this is a kind of boycott, and we need to work not on personal activity, but on relationships.

4. Thirst for care

You could just ask someone to do something for you. Or you can pretend to be helpless to get the same result. The main problem here is not laziness, but communication difficulties.

5. Fear of others' expectations

"As you name the boat, so it will float," - said Captain Vrungel. And you, following this postulate, call yourself lazy and behave accordingly.

It works: no one counts on you, and everyone does everything themselves. Conveniently, you will not say anything.

6. The need to relax

Modern culture encourages constant employment, and even recreation should be active. But sometimes the body says "stop" and goes to the sofa, not succumbing to the provocations of the mind. You will most likely berate yourself for being lazy and think how much you could have done in that time. But you need to rest.

7. Depression

Fatigue, lack of motivation and lack of interest in things that used to be enjoyable are typical signs of depression. In this state, people also tend to get angry with themselves for laziness, which only makes the situation worse.

If the period of laziness is prolonged, you should ask for help or immediately consult a doctor.
