Table of contents:

What is Theta Healing and does it really heal?
What is Theta Healing and does it really heal?

The health risks may outweigh the potential benefits.

What is Theta Healing and does it really heal?
What is Theta Healing and does it really heal?

Like any other alternative medicine technique, Theta Healing has its pros and cons. If you have seen an advertisement for this technique somewhere and want to try it yourself, carefully read the article by Lifehacker.

What is Theta Healing

Translated from English Theta Healing - "theta-healing." Or the theta cure. Theta in this context is a certain spectrum of frequencies at which oscillations of the electric fields of the brain occur. And such waves have long been known to scientists.

The human brain has Brain Waves electrical activity that can be tracked with an electroencephalograph. The pulses follow at different frequencies. It was found that different ranges correspond to very specific conditions. Theta waves of interest to us with a frequency of 4–8 hertz are the rhythms of rest, deep relaxation. They occur when a person is almost asleep, is about to wake up or is in a phase of REM sleep (with dreams).

Adepts of Theta Healing are confident About Thetahealing that theta state is not just the border between reality and sleep, but also the border between consciousness and subconsciousness. Getting here, a person enters a kind of trance, in which he gets the opportunity to connect with a higher spiritual force and, with its help, start the process of improving his own life. And also - quickly heal Thetahealing: Theta State from the most serious diseases. Enough Thetahealing: DNA Activation only by some rules "activate DNA".

Thousands of people around the world participate in this impressive esotericism. But there are plenty of questions.

Who Invented Theta Healing

As befits any successful commercial product (ThetaHealing is a registered trademark), About ThetaHealing ™ has a history.

In 1995, naturopath, massage therapist and intuitive therapist Vianne Stibal, a mother of three young children, was diagnosed with cancer that rapidly destroyed her right thigh. The woman tried to cope with the disease with the help of official medicine and non-traditional methods, but it progressed.

One day, Vianne found out that the simple technique she used in her intuitive therapy sessions made her feel better.

The woman focused on it - and her About ThetaHealing ™ leg healed "instantly". The details are not reported, but, judging by the meaning of intuitive therapy, it was about meditative deepening into oneself, acceptance and love for oneself and all that exists.

In an effort to understand why the technique worked, Stibal turned to a physicist she knew. And he, with the help of an electroencephalograph, discovered that the method activates theta waves in her brain. Vianne then began using the trick on clients to make sure they could truly heal - physically and mentally - and built ThetaHealing® on that basis.

How Theta Healing Is Used

Stibal and her followers claim that anyone can master theta technique. It's easy, though not free. To become a theta healer and begin the path to your own healing, you need to take a three-day seminar: the cost starts at 260 euros. And continue to improve your skills in more advanced paid courses.

You can also use the services of a certified theta healer. He synchronizes his correctly tuned theta rhythms with the client's brain waves and helps the client to increase his own healing theta activity. Here's what they write What can I expect during my ThetaHealing® session? on the official site:

Each practitioner has his own style. The session begins with the practitioner asking you to connect with your energy. Then he will ask what you would like to work with. Or, if you have no specific wishes, he will ask: "If you could change anything in your life right now, what would it be?"

Further, the task of the healer is to get rid of negative attitudes and replace them with positive ones. The patient can visualize pleasing images, meditate, or “tune in to theta” in other ways.

An important part of the session is the muscle, or kinesiology, test. Theta healer asks the person questions or voices certain statements and at the same time controls muscle reactions with light touches. For example, if a question provokes denial, the client's muscles will tighten. If a person, on the contrary, is ready to accept this or that statement, the muscles will relax. According to the assurances of the healers, this test supposedly allows you to better tune in to the patient's wave.

It (theta-healing) gives people instant healing. And the whole point is that the work is aimed at changing the subconscious programs. Another question is that not everything is achievable in a short time; as a rule, serious illnesses are a tangle of ineffective programs and it is not always possible to unravel it in one session. The brain reveals secrets.

Elina Shirai theta-healer (interview with Forbes)

It is not cheap. For example, according to the BBC The faith healers who claim they can cure cancer, in the UK, theta healers charge up to £ 100 per session.

Are there any reviews

But maybe it's worth it?

On the official ThetaHealing® website, you can find dozens of reviews in which grateful theta healers and their clients share sometimes absolutely fantastic stories. Someone tells Thetahealing: Testimonials that a new tooth has grown, although dentists said it was impossible. Another tells Thetahealing: Testimonials about an incredible case of almost instant, literally overnight, healing from end-stage (last, with poor prognosis) stage of renal failure and pneumonia.

Two students in a basic workshop I taught reported that their eyesight improved 30% after their first day of Thetahealing: Testimonials class.

Ellen Cohen is a fan of the technique

The average recovery story is Thetahealing: Testimonials something like this: “One day a client brought a man into my office who gave up. His body was riddled with cancer, and medicine could not do anything about it … I laid hands on him and asked that the cancer disappear … A few weeks later, an assistant brought me a message from that man. He no longer showed any signs of cancer!"

What Scientists Say About Theta Healing

Despite the popularity of the technique, the official science of theta-healing ignores, considers it not worthy of attention, or even hints at fraud.

The only study Does a Healing Procedure Referring to Theta Rhythms Also Generate Theta Rhythms in the Brain? On this topic, scientists measured theta brain activity in 10 healer-patient pairs. They hoped to find an increase in theta rhythms and their synchronization within each pair. But the results were just the opposite.

In no case was it possible to reveal the activation of theta waves. Quite the opposite: theta activity of healers decreased. "The hypothesis that a possible healing is associated with an increase in theta frequencies in the brain cannot be confirmed," the researchers concluded.

Of course, critics of the only published study, ThetaHealing®, might say the experiment was too limited - just 10 pairs. But if the procedure does lead to an increase in theta activity of the brain, this could be detected in at least one case. Something is wrong here ThetaHealing®: The Money You’ll Spend Never Existed.

Jonathan Jarry MSc in Molecular Biology

There are other questions that can raise doubts about the effectiveness of theta practice.

Why Theta Healing should be mistrusted

One of Vianna Stible's clients doubted that she could give doctoral degrees in Theta Healing, and sued her Alexander v. Stibal. 2016. Idaho Supreme Court - Civil Decisions 2015. The examiner reviewed Stibal's medical history and other medical records and concluded that the cancer had not been unequivocally diagnosed.

Vianna's ex-husband also testified in court and said that his ex-wife was not told exactly that she had cancer. Stibal's medical records revealed biopsy results that only indicated a suspicion of the disease, but in no way confirmed it.

It's easy to recover from something that ThetaHealing®: The Money You’ll Spend Never Existed has never had.

Jonathan Jarry

As a result, the court ordered Stibal to pay the plaintiff $ 100,000 in compensation.

Another point was noticed by Theta healing users of RationalWiki, a project that criticizes pseudoscience. They suggested that theta healing might be based on a placebo effect. In the sense that an objectively non-working pill or technique can really alleviate the condition in some people - simply because they sincerely believe in the possibility of healing.

But the placebo, according to the average statistics of the Placebo Effect, in one way or another improves the well-being in one person out of three. Vianne Stibal on her website claims thousands of clients and a large number of instructors she trained, each of whom must have had many patients. Why, with such an impressive number of people covered, did you manage to collect only a few dozen grateful reviews? This result is much worse than the placebo effect. He's a complete failure.

Does All This Mean Theta Healing Doesn't Work

Still, let's not be overly categorical. Back to the beginning of the article: Theta Healing has its pros and cons.

It might work for you

No, Theta Healing will not cure you of physical illness, cure myopia, or help grow a tooth. But theta healing is theoretically capable of improving well-being, alleviating minor pain, or helping to cope with anxiety. Due to the very placebo effect.

Most likely it will have a psychotherapeutic effect

To love yourself, to believe in your strengths, to feel the unity with the whole world around you, to deal with the origins of complexes and anxiety - this is what healers are pushing ThetaHealing: GENERAL FAQ’S patients at theta healing sessions. The person recognizes the problem that spoils his life, and in front of a witness (healer) voices that he is ready to get rid of it. This gives a start to further mental healing.

What is the danger of theta healing

He can kill you

Theta healers believe they can cope with serious illness.

In the practice of theta healing, they teach to love cancer, to love cells, accepting their right to exist and thus pacifying them, and in the meantime, removing the malicious programs that led to the emergence of these cells. The brain reveals secrets.

Elina Shirai

But cancer, kidney failure, pneumonia, hepatitis and other diseases are not cured by esoteric practices. Trusting theta healing, you can lose time and start the disease to the stage when it is no longer amenable to any treatment.

You risk losing money and time

There is no guarantee that theta healing will help you in any way. If you have any health problems, check with your doctor first. This is really important.
